Execution Database

This page is updat­ed on busi­ness days by 12 pm Eastern Time.

Instructions and Usage Notes

* Searches for exe­cu­tions in states or regions will also retrieve fed­er­al death sen­tences that were imposed in those areas. To lim­it your search only to state-court death sen­tences, click the MORE FILTERS” but­ton, select the FEDERAL” fil­ter, check the No” box, and click the APPLY” tab.

  • Results will dis­play in chrono­log­i­cal order by default. To sort by oth­er cri­te­ria, click on the head­ings for those fields in the search results.
  • Search results are dis­played below the search options.
  • If no options are checked, the search will dis­play all exe­cu­tions. 
  • To down­load the data­base as a spread­sheet (csv for­mat), click here.
  • To find the numer­i­cal rank of an exe­cu­tion since 1976, click on the inmate’s name. The num­ber is list­ed as DPIC ID.”
  • This list includes all exe­cu­tions since 1976. For a his­tor­i­cal data­base of exe­cu­tions, vis­it our Espy Database page.
  • Geographical regions are list­ed as deter­mined by the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Federal Executions are includ­ed in the region in which the crime occurred.
  • For Federal Executions sort by the fed­er­al yes/​no col­umn. 
  • The Race of Victim” fil­ter will dis­play all exe­cu­tions involv­ing any vic­tim of the select­ed race, includ­ing cas­es that involved mul­ti­ple vic­tims of different races.
  • Information in this data­base is obtained from news reports, state Departments of Corrections and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Older coun­ty and vic­tim-gen­der infor­ma­tion was pro­vid­ed by Professor Frank Baumgartner of the University of North Carolina.