News & Developments

Mental Illness

Oct 24, 2024

New Analysis: Death-Sentenced Prisoners Volunteer” for Execution at Ten Times Civilian Suicide Rate

Derrick Dearman first told his moth­er that he want­ed to die when he was four years old. On October 17, he was exe­cut­ed by the state of Alabama, becom­ing the 20th per­son exe­cut­ed in the United States this year and the 165th in the mod­ern era to vol­un­teer” for death. A new analy­sis by the Death Penalty Information Center shows that despite falling rates of death sen­tences, exe­cu­tions, and pub­lic sup­port for the death penal­ty, the num­ber of death-sen­tenced pris­on­ers waiv­ing their appeals and…

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Oct 23, 2024

The Limitations of DNA Evidence in Innocence Cases

Death-sen­tenced pris­on­ers with cred­i­ble evi­dence of inno­cence have gained sig­nif­i­cant atten­tion this month with the exe­cu­tion of Marcellus Williams in Missouri, the near-exe­cu­tion of Robert Roberson in Texas, and the U.S. Supreme Court argu­ments in Glossip v. Oklahoma. There is a com­mon mis­con­cep­tion that DNA evi­dence is wide­ly avail­able in all cas­es and cen­tral to exon­er­a­tions, but the real­i­ty is that DNA exon­er­a­tions in death penal­ty cas­es are rel­a­tive­ly rare. DPI has iden­ti­fied 34

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Upcoming Executions

Oct 22, 2024

Federal Court Dismisses Claims of Bias and Rules South Carolina Governor Has Sole Authority in Richard Moore’s Clemency Case

On October 21, 2024, U.S. District Court Judge Mary Geiger Lewis ruled that South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster has the sole pow­er to grant clemen­cy to Richard Moore. In response to alle­ga­tions of bias pre­sent­ed by Mr. Moore’s coun­sel, Judge Lewis said that “[t]he Court is con­fi­dent… Governor McMaster will give full, thought­ful, and care­ful con­sid­er­a­tion to any clemen­cy peti­tion filed by Moore, giv­ing both com­pre­hen­sive and indi­vid­u­al­ized atten­tion to the unique cir­cum­stances of his…

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Oct 21, 2024

Testimony at Texas Legislature Does Not Include Robert Roberson But Witnesses Confirm Serious Concerns about the Possible Execution of an Innocent Man

The Texas House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence heard tes­ti­mo­ny on Monday October 21, 2024 from nov­el­ist John Grisham, talk show host Dr. Phil” McGraw, but not its expect­ed star wit­ness, Robert Roberson, whose sub­poe­naed tes­ti­mo­ny result­ed in a dra­mat­ic last-minute stay of exe­cu­tion on October 17th from the Texas Supreme Court. Legislators said they could not reach an agree­ment with the Office of the Texas Attorney General to facil­i­tate Mr. Roberson’s in-per­son tes­ti­mo­ny, and Committee…

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United States Supreme Court

Oct 18, 2024

Discussions with DPIC Podcast: Professor Steve Vladeck on the Supreme Court’s Death Penalty Shift

In this month’s episode of Discussions with DPIC, Executive Director Robin Maher speaks with Steve Vladeck, a Georgetown law pro­fes­sor and expert on the Supreme Court. Professor Vladeck is the author of The Shadow Docket: How the Supreme Court Uses Stealth Rulings to Amass Power and Undermine the Republic, released in 2023, as well as the week­ly newslet­ter One First, which breaks down the Court’s rul­ings and his­to­ry. Professor Vladeck explains why the Court’s treat­ment of…

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Professor Stephen Vladeck, Charles Alan Wright Chair in Federal Courts, University of Texas School of Law, participating in a session on the United States Supreme Court entitled "For Life" at Open Congress 2023 at The Texas Tribune Festival in Austin, Texas, United States.