The Death Penalty in 2017: Year End Report

Posted on Dec 14, 2017



U.S. Sees Second Fewest Death Sentences and Executions in 25 Years

Public Support for Death Penalty Drops to 45-Year Low as Four More Death-Row Prisoners Exonerated in 2017

(Washington, D.C.) Executions and death sen­tences remained near his­tor­i­cal­ly low lev­els in 2017, as pub­lic sup­port for the death penal­ty fell to its low­est lev­el in 45 years, accord­ing to a report released today by the Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC). Eight states car­ried out 23 exe­cu­tions, half the num­ber of sev­en years ago, and the sec­ond low­est total since 1991. Only the 20 exe­cu­tions in 2016 were low­er. Fourteen states and the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment are pro­ject­ed to impose 39 new death sen­tences in 2017, the sec­ond low­est annu­al total since the U.S. Supreme Court declared the death penal­ty uncon­sti­tu­tion­al in 1972. It was the sev­enth year in a row that few­er than 100 death sen­tences were imposed nationwide.

The Death Penalty in 2017: Year End Report” is avail­able at: https://​death​penal​ty​in​fo​.org/​Y​e​a​r​E​n​d2017.

Perhaps more than any place else, the changes in Harris County, Texas are sym­bol­ic of the long-term change in cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment in the United States. For the first time since 1974, the coun­ty that has car­ried out more exe­cu­tions than any oth­er did not exe­cute any pris­on­er or sen­tence any defen­dant to death,” said Robert Dunham, DPIC’s Executive Director. 

Across the polit­i­cal spec­trum, more peo­ple are com­ing to the view that there are bet­ter ways to keep us safe than exe­cut­ing a hand­ful of offend­ers select­ed from a ran­dom death-penal­ty lot­tery. There will be times when num­bers fluc­tu­ate – par­tic­u­lar­ly fol­low­ing his­toric highs or lows – but the steady long-term decline in the death penal­ty since the 1990s sug­gests that in most of the coun­try, the death penal­ty is becom­ing obso­lete,” Dunham said. DPIC pro­vides infor­ma­tion and analy­sis and tracks data on the death penal­ty, but does not take a posi­tion for or against capital punishment. 

The new death sen­tences imposed in 2017 high­light the increas­ing geo­graph­ic iso­la­tion and arbi­trary nature of the death penal­ty, Dunham said. By them­selves, three out­lier coun­ties – Riverside, CA; Clark, NV; and Maricopa, AZ – were respon­si­ble for more than 30% of all the death sen­tences imposed nation­wide. The oth­er 3,140 coun­ties and parish­es imposed few­er new death sen­tences than even last year’s record low.” Riverside imposed five death sen­tences in 2017, Clark four, and Maricopa three, and no oth­er coun­ty imposed as many as two. It was the sec­ond time in three years that Riverside sen­tenced more peo­ple to death than any other county. 

States sched­uled 81 exe­cu­tions in 2017, but 58 of them – more than 70 per­cent – were nev­er car­ried out. Nearly 75 per­cent of exe­cu­tions took place in four states: Texas (7); Arkansas (4); Florida (3); and Alabama (3). But Texas’s state courts stayed sev­en oth­er exe­cu­tions using new laws to per­mit those pris­on­ers to obtain judi­cial review of false or mis­lead­ing evi­dence, and its exe­cu­tion total tied 2016 for the fewest con­duct­ed by the state since 1996.

Systemic prob­lems with racial dis­crim­i­na­tion, flawed or fraud­u­lent foren­sic tes­ti­mo­ny, poor legal rep­re­sen­ta­tion, and pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al mis­con­duct con­tributed to four death-row exon­er­a­tions in 2017. In one exon­er­a­tion this year, an African-American man in Louisiana had been con­vict­ed of killing his infant son, even though an autop­sy showed his son died of natural causes. 

Many believe that the risk of exe­cut­ing the inno­cent is one of the lead­ing fac­tors behind the public’s decrease in sup­port for the death penal­ty. According to the Gallup poll, pub­lic sup­port for the death penal­ty dropped by five per­cent in 2017, and Republicans reg­is­tered a 10-per­cent­age point drop since last year. This year’s 55 per­cent sup­port marks the low­est lev­el since 1972, just before the U.S. Supreme Court ruled the nation’s death penal­ty laws unconstitutional.


The Death Penalty Information Center (www​.death​penal​ty​in​fo​.org) is a non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion serv­ing the media and the pub­lic with analy­sis and infor­ma­tion on issues con­cern­ing cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment. DPIC was found­ed in 1990 and pre­pares in-depth reports, issues press releas­es, con­ducts brief­in­gs for the media, and serves as a resource to those work­ing on this issue.

INFOGRAPHIC: The Death Penalty in the U.S.”


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Clip Transcript
Clip TranscriptThis is Robert Dunham, Executive Director of the Death Penalty Information Center. The Death Penalty Information Center is a nation­al, non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion that pro­vides infor­ma­tion and analy­sis on death-penal­ty issues. We don’t take a posi­tion for or against the death penalty itself.
Clip TranscriptHere are some high­lights of the 2017 Year-End Review from the Death Penalty Information Center.
Clip TranscriptExecutions and new death sen­tences were near his­toric lows in 2017, and pub­lic sup­port for the death penal­ty polled at its low­est lev­el in 45 years. Both the 23 exe­cu­tions and the pro­ject­ed 39 new death sen­tences in 2017 were the sec­ond low­est totals in more than a quarter-century.
Clip TranscriptThere has been a steady long-term decline in the death penal­ty since the 1990s, and in most of the coun­try, the death penal­ty is becoming obsolete.
Counties and Death Row
Clip Transcript80% of the coun­ties in the U.S. don’t have any­one on death row. 85% have nev­er exe­cut­ed any­one. More than 99% of U.S. coun­ties did­n’t sen­tence any­one to death in 2017. And for 99.9% of the coun­ties in the coun­try, few­er death sen­tences were imposed this year than in any oth­er year since the death penal­ty was brought back in the 1970s.
Public Support
Clip TranscriptAccording to the Gallup poll, pub­lic sup­port for the death penal­ty was the low­est its been in 45 years. It dropped five per­cent­age points in just one year, and sup­port for death penal­ty among Republicans fell 10 percentage points.
Clip TranscriptWe’ve long said that the death penal­ty is a ran­dom lot­tery that large­ly depends on the whims of the coun­ty pros­e­cu­tor where the mur­der takes place. This year’s num­bers back that up. There were no death sen­tences in 99% of the coun­ties in the coun­try and just 3 coun­ties — Riverside, California; Clark, Nevada; and Maricopa, Arizona — account­ed for more than 30% of all the death sen­tences across the entire coun­try. 2017 had the sec­ond fewest death sen­tences of any year since 1973. And except for those three coun­ties, it would have been the fewest.
New Sentences
Clip Transcript

We project that by the end of the year, there will have been 39 new death sen­tences in 2017. This will be the sev­enth year in a row America has imposed few­er than 100 death sentences.

Clip TranscriptThere were 23 exe­cu­tions in 2017. That’s the sec­ond fewest in a quar­ter cen­tu­ry, and it’s half the num­ber that were car­ried out only sev­en years ago.
Execution Dates
Clip TranscriptMost peo­ple think that an exe­cu­tion date means that a defen­dant is going to be exe­cut­ed. But more than 70% of the exe­cu­tions sched­uled for this year were nev­er carried out.
Houston, Texas
Clip Transcript

Houston, Texas is sym­bol­ic of the change in cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment in the United States. Houston, which is in Harris County, has exe­cut­ed more pris­on­ers than any oth­er coun­ty, but this year — for the first time in more than 40 years — Harris didn’t exe­cute any pris­on­er and didn’t sen­tence any defen­dant to death.

Clip TranscriptTexas had the most exe­cu­tions in the U.S. in 2017, with 7. That’s the same num­ber as last year, and both year’s totals tied for the fewest exe­cu­tions that the state has car­ried out since 1996. Texas is anoth­er exam­ple of the death penal­ty on the decline. 
Riverside County California
Clip TranscriptRiverside County, California imposed more death sen­tences than any oth­er coun­ty in the coun­try this year. That’s the sec­ond time in three years that this has been the case, and over the past five years, Riverside has imposed more death sen­tences than any­body else. Four oth­er south­ern California coun­ties also rank among the ten high­est death-sen­tenc­ing coun­ties over that same time period. 
Riverside, Clark, and Maricopa Counties
Clip TranscriptJust three coun­ties — Riverside, California; Clark, Nevada; and Maricopa, Arizona — imposed more than 30% of all the death sen­tences in the United States this year.
SLATE: Exonerations
Clip TranscriptExonerations
Four Exonerations in 2017
Clip TranscriptFour more death-row pris­on­ers were exon­er­at­ed in 2017. That brings the total to 160 since 1973. These cas­es once again involved sys­temic prob­lems such as racial dis­crim­i­na­tion, flawed or fraud­u­lent foren­sic tes­ti­mo­ny, poor legal rep­re­sen­ta­tion, and pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al mis­con­duct. In one case — a racial­ly charged case in Louisiana — an African-American man was con­vict­ed of killing his infant son, even though an autop­sy showed the baby had actu­al­ly died of natural causes. 
SLATE: Problematic Executions
Clip TranscriptProblematic exe­cu­tions
Probematic Executions
Clip Transcript

The 23 exe­cu­tions car­ried out in 2017 con­tin­ue to high­light sys­temic prob­lems that have long plagued America’s death penal­ty. 90% of these cas­es pre­sent­ed sig­nif­i­cant evi­dence of men­tal ill­ness, intel­lec­tu­al dis­abil­i­ty, brain dam­age, severe trau­ma, or inno­cence. And four pris­on­ers were exe­cut­ed despite sub­stan­tial con­cerns about their guilt.

Clip TranscriptThe cas­es from 2017 show us that the length of time cas­es remain in the courts tells us very lit­tle about the qual­i­ty of death-penal­ty appeals. Prisoners con­tin­ue to be exe­cut­ed despite seri­ous con­cerns about inad­e­quate rep­re­sen­ta­tion and insuf­fi­cient judicial review.
Clip Clip Transcript
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Introduction This is Robert Dunham, Executive Director of the Death Penalty Information Center. The Death Penalty Information Center is a nation­al, non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion that pro­vides infor­ma­tion and analy­sis on death-penal­ty issues. We don’t take a posi­tion for or against the death penalty itself.
Highlights Here are some high­lights of the 2017 Year-End Review from the Death Penalty Information Center.
Overview Executions and new death sen­tences were near his­toric lows in 2017, and pub­lic sup­port for the death penal­ty polled at its low­est lev­el in 45 years. Both the 23 exe­cu­tions and the pro­ject­ed 39 new death sen­tences in 2017 were the sec­ond low­est totals in more than a quarter-century.
Trends There has been a steady long-term decline in the death penal­ty since the 1990s, and in most of the coun­try, the death penal­ty is becoming obsolete.
Counties and Death Row 80% of the coun­ties in the U.S. don’t have any­one on death row. 85% have nev­er exe­cut­ed any­one. More than 99% of U.S. coun­ties did­n’t sen­tence any­one to death in 2017. And for 99.9% of the coun­ties in the coun­try, few­er death sen­tences were imposed this year than in any oth­er year since the death penal­ty was brought back in the 1970s.
Public Support According to the Gallup poll, pub­lic sup­port for the death penal­ty was the low­est its been in 45 years. It dropped five per­cent­age points in just one year, and sup­port for death penal­ty among Republicans fell 10 percentage points.
Randomness We’ve long said that the death penal­ty is a ran­dom lot­tery that large­ly depends on the whims of the coun­ty pros­e­cu­tor where the mur­der takes place. This year’s num­bers back that up. There were no death sen­tences in 99% of the coun­ties in the coun­try and just 3 coun­ties — Riverside, California; Clark, Nevada; and Maricopa, Arizona — account­ed for more than 30% of all the death sen­tences across the entire coun­try. 2017 had the sec­ond fewest death sen­tences of any year since 1973. And except for those three coun­ties, it would have been the fewest.
New Sentences

We project that by the end of the year, there will have been 39 new death sen­tences in 2017. This will be the sev­enth year in a row America has imposed few­er than 100 death sentences.

Executions There were 23 exe­cu­tions in 2017. That’s the sec­ond fewest in a quar­ter cen­tu­ry, and it’s half the num­ber that were car­ried out only sev­en years ago.
Execution Dates Most peo­ple think that an exe­cu­tion date means that a defen­dant is going to be exe­cut­ed. But more than 70% of the exe­cu­tions sched­uled for this year were nev­er carried out.
Houston, Texas

Houston, Texas is sym­bol­ic of the change in cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment in the United States. Houston, which is in Harris County, has exe­cut­ed more pris­on­ers than any oth­er coun­ty, but this year — for the first time in more than 40 years — Harris didn’t exe­cute any pris­on­er and didn’t sen­tence any defen­dant to death.

Texas Texas had the most exe­cu­tions in the U.S. in 2017, with 7. That’s the same num­ber as last year, and both year’s totals tied for the fewest exe­cu­tions that the state has car­ried out since 1996. Texas is anoth­er exam­ple of the death penal­ty on the decline. 
Riverside County California Riverside County, California imposed more death sen­tences than any oth­er coun­ty in the coun­try this year. That’s the sec­ond time in three years that this has been the case, and over the past five years, Riverside has imposed more death sen­tences than any­body else. Four oth­er south­ern California coun­ties also rank among the ten high­est death-sen­tenc­ing coun­ties over that same time period. 
Riverside, Clark, and Maricopa Counties Just three coun­ties — Riverside, California; Clark, Nevada; and Maricopa, Arizona — imposed more than 30% of all the death sen­tences in the United States this year.
SLATE: Exonerations Exonerations
Four Exonerations in 2017 Four more death-row pris­on­ers were exon­er­at­ed in 2017. That brings the total to 160 since 1973. These cas­es once again involved sys­temic prob­lems such as racial dis­crim­i­na­tion, flawed or fraud­u­lent foren­sic tes­ti­mo­ny, poor legal rep­re­sen­ta­tion, and pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al mis­con­duct. In one case — a racial­ly charged case in Louisiana — an African-American man was con­vict­ed of killing his infant son, even though an autop­sy showed the baby had actu­al­ly died of natural causes. 
SLATE: Problematic Executions Problematic exe­cu­tions
Probematic Executions

The 23 exe­cu­tions car­ried out in 2017 con­tin­ue to high­light sys­temic prob­lems that have long plagued America’s death penal­ty. 90% of these cas­es pre­sent­ed sig­nif­i­cant evi­dence of men­tal ill­ness, intel­lec­tu­al dis­abil­i­ty, brain dam­age, severe trau­ma, or inno­cence. And four pris­on­ers were exe­cut­ed despite sub­stan­tial con­cerns about their guilt.

Conclusions The cas­es from 2017 show us that the length of time cas­es remain in the courts tells us very lit­tle about the qual­i­ty of death-penal­ty appeals. Prisoners con­tin­ue to be exe­cut­ed despite seri­ous con­cerns about inad­e­quate rep­re­sen­ta­tion and insuf­fi­cient judicial review.


Delaware death-row exoneree Isaiah McCoy walks to free­dom upon his release from the Howard R. Young Correctional Institution in Wilmington in January 2017. Photograph cour­tesy of Attorney Herbert Mondros.
Map high­light­ing the 3 coun­ties that account­ed for 31% of the 39 death sen­tences in the U.S. in 2017 and the oth­er coun­ties that also imposed death sen­tences in 2017.
Map of states that imposed death sen­tences in 2017.
Graphic show­ing images of the five peo­ple exon­er­at­ed from death row in 2017 and the coun­ties where they were convicted.
Bar graph show­ing the num­ber of exe­cu­tions in each year since 1977, with 3‑, 5‑, and 10-year trend lines.
Bar graph show­ing the num­ber of death sen­tences in each year since 1973, with 3‑, 5‑, and 10-year trend lines.
Line graph show­ing the num­ber of exe­cu­tions in each year since 1977 and indi­cat­ing that 75 few­er exe­cu­tions were per­formed in 2017 than in the peak year of 1999.
Line graph show­ing the num­ber of death sen­tences in each year since 1973 and indi­cat­ing that 276 few­er death sen­tences were imposed in 2017 than in the peak year of 1996.
Chart show­ing the num­ber of juris­dic­tions that imposed death sen­tences in each year since 2013 and the per­cent­age change com­pared to 2013.

2017 Sentencing Data

2017 Death Sentences by Name, Race, and County