Entries by Death Penalty Information Center
Jan 05, 2018
Retired Lt. General: Exclude Mentally Ill Vets from the Death Penalty
Saying that the death penalty should“be reserved for the‘worst of the worst in our society,’” retired Marine Corps Lieutenant General John Castellaw (pictured) has urged the Tennessee state legislature to adopt pending legislation that would bar the death penalty for people with severe mental illnesses. In an op-ed in the Memphis newspaper, The Commercial Appeal, General Castellaw writes that the death penalty“should not be…
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Jan 04, 2018
Pledging No Death Penalty, Larry Krasner Sworn In As Philadelphia’s District Attorney
Saying “[a] movement was sworn in today,” long-time civil-rights lawyer Larry Krasner (pictured) — who pledged to end Philadelphia’s use of the death penalty — took the oath of office on January 2 as district attorney in a county that only five years ago had the third largest death row of any county…
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Jan 03, 2018
Virginia Governor Commutes Death Sentence of Mentally Incompetent Death-Row Prisoner
Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe commuted the sentence of mentally incompetent death-row prisoner William Joseph Burns (pictured) on December 29, 2017, after multiple mental-health experts said Burns was unlikely to regain sufficient competency for his death sentence to ever be carried out. Burns, whose sentence was converted to life in prison without the possibility of parole, became the fifth death-row prisoner to…
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Jan 02, 2018
Former Death-Row Prisoner Exonerated in Illinois, Seized by ICE
Former Illinois death-row prisoner Gabriel Solache (pictured), a Mexican national whose death sentence was one of 157 commuted by Governor George Ryan in January 2003, was exonerated on December 21, 2017 after twenty years of wrongful imprisonment, but immediately seized by agents of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement…
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Dec 28, 2017
Judge Finds New Jersey Federal Capital Defendant Intellectually Disabled, Bars Death Penalty
A New Jersey U.S. district court judge has barred federal prosecutors from seeking the death penalty against Farad Roland, finding that Roland is intellectually disabled and therefore ineligible for capital punishment. After an eighteen-day evidentiary hearing featuring sixteen witnesses, Judge Esther Salas ruled on December 18 that Roland — accused of five killings in connection with a drug-trafficking gang — had…
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Dec 27, 2017
Death-Row Exoneree’s Foundation Fights Wrongful Convictions, Provides Post-Release Health Care
When Anthony Graves (pictured) was exonerated from death row in Texas in 2010, he decided that he would use his personal experience as a catalyst for redressing the“injustice of the justice system.” After receiving $1.45 million as compensation for the 18 years he was wrongly incarcerated, including twelve years on death row, the nation’s 138th death-row exoneree created the Anthony Graves…
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Dec 26, 2017
Alabama Cancels Cancer Surgery, Sets Execution Date for Terminally Ill Prisoner
Alabama has set an execution date for Doyle Lee Hamm (pictured), a 60-year-old man with terminal cranial and lymphatic cancer that his lawyer says has rendered his veins unusable for lethal injection. Hamm has received radiation and chemotherapy, and was scheduled for surgery to remove a cancerous lesion on December 13, but Alabama prison officials cancelled the surgery and instead informed Hamm that a death warrant had been issued…
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Dec 22, 2017
Clark County, Nevada Losing Capital Convictions Because of Prosecutors’ Race Discrimination in Jury Selection
The racially discriminatory jury selection practices of the Clark County, Nevada, District Attorney’s office are now causing it to lose convictions in capital cases. In a December 18 article, the prosecutorial watchdog, The Open File, details repeated violations by Clark County death-penalty prosecutors of the constitutional proscription against striking prospective jurors from service on the basis of race. Four times in the past four…
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Dec 21, 2017
Arizona Ends Death-Row Solitary Confinement, Sees Reduced Prisoner Anxiety, Lowered Costs, and Increased Safety
Several months after Arizona settled a lawsuit over the conditions of confinement on the state’s death row, the state has ended the practice of automatically housing condemned prisoners in solitary confinement, and prisoners and prison officials alike are praising the changes. Carson McWilliams (pictured), Division Director for Offender Operations in the Arizona Department of Corrections (ADC), told the Arizona Republic that…
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Dec 20, 2017
As North Carolina Juries Reject Death Penalty, Legislators Accused of Playing Politics With Executions
For the third time since 2012, no one in North Carolina was sentenced to death in 2017. All four trials in 2017 in which prosecutors sought a death sentence ended with a jury either acquitting the defendant of capital murder or returning a lesser sentence. Despite the historical decline in death sentencing in North Carolina, two state legislative leaders, in a letter derided by editorial boards as political posturing, used the recent killing…
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