Entries by Death Penalty Information Center


Apr 192017

Arkansas Prisoners, Asserting Their Innocence, File Requests for DNA Testing

Two Arkansas death-row pris­on­ers who are sched­uled be exe­cut­ed on April 20 have asked the Arkansas courts to stay their exe­cu­tions to per­mit DNA test­ing in their cas­es. Stacey Johnson (pic­tured, l.) and Ledell Lee (pic­tured, r.) both say they did not com­mit the crimes for which they were sen­tenced to death, and both say that DNA test­ing meth­ods not avail­able at the time of…

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Apr 182017

Rodricus Crawford Becomes 158th Death-Row Exoneree

Caddo Parish, Louisiana pros­e­cu­tors for­mal­ly dropped charges against Rodricus Crawford (pic­tured) on April 17, exon­er­at­ing him in a con­tro­ver­sial death penal­ty case that had attract­ed nation­al atten­tion amid evi­dence of race dis­crim­i­na­tion, pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al excess, and actu­al inno­cence. He is the 158th per­son exon­er­at­ed from death row in the United…

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Apr 142017

With Looming Execution and Serious Innocence Concerns, Calls Mount for Virginia to Grant Clemency to Ivan Teleguz

Amid mount­ing con­cerns that Virginia may exe­cute an inno­cent man on April 25, a diverse group of reli­gious, polit­i­cal, and busi­ness lead­ers are call­ing on Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe to grant clemen­cy to Ivan Teleguz (pic­tured). Their pleas for clemen­cy stress that Teleguz was con­vict­ed based upon high­ly unre­li­able tes­ti­mo­ny and sen­tenced to death based upon false tes­ti­mo­ny that he had been involved in…

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Apr 132017

Poll Shows Orange and Osceola County Voters Prefer Life Sentences Over Death Penalty

A new poll of vot­ers in Orange and Osceola coun­ties in Florida — tak­en in the wake of Governor Rick Scott’s removal of their local­ly elect­ed State Attorney Aramis Ayala (pic­tured) from 22 homi­cide cas­es after she announced that her office would not pur­sue the death penal­ty — shows that the coun­ties’ vot­ers over­whelm­ing­ly pre­fer the use of life impris­on­ment over the death penal­ty as pun­ish­ment for mur­der. The poll by Public Policy Polling, released on…

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Apr 122017

Louisiana Legislature Considers Bipartisan Measure to Abolish Death Penalty

Three Louisiana leg­is­la­tors, all of them for­mer law enforce­ment offi­cials, have pro­posed leg­is­la­tion to abol­ish the state’s death penal­ty. Sen. Dan Claitor (R‑Baton Rouge, pic­tured), a for­mer New Orleans pros­e­cu­tor who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, is the pri­ma­ry author of Senate Bill 142, which would elim­i­nate the death penal­ty for offens­es com­mit­ted on or after August 1, 2017. The bil­l’s coun­ter­part in the House of Representatives, House…

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Apr 072017

Federal Appeals Court Upholds Injunction Against Ohio Execution Protocol

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit has upheld a low­er fed­er­al court rul­ing block­ing the state of Ohio from pro­ceed­ing with plans to car­ry out exe­cu­tions with its new three-drug exe­cu­tion pro­to­col. The deci­sion affirmed a dis­trict court pre­lim­i­nary injunc­tion that barred the state from using the drug mida­zo­lam as part of a three-drug exe­cu­tion process, and barred the state from using​“any lethal injec­tion method which employs either…

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Apr 062017

Arkansas Parole Board Recommends Clemency for Jason McGehee

The Arkansas Parole Board vot­ed 6 – 1 on April 5 to rec­om­mend clemen­cy for Jason McGehee, one of the eight death-row pris­on­ers sched­uled to be exe­cut­ed in an unprece­dent­ed eleven-day peri­od lat­er this month. McGehee’s clemen­cy peti­tion drew sup­port from both the for­mer Director of the Arkansas Department of Correction, Ray Hobbs, and the tri­al judge who presided in his case, Robert McCorkindale. Speaking on McGehee’s behalf,…

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