Entries by Death Penalty Information Center
Oct 26, 2011
Coalition Including Victims’ Families and Law Enforcement Officials Launches Death Penalty Repeal Initiative
A broad range of citizens in California launched a signature campaign on October 25 to replace the death penalty with life in prison and no parole through a ballot initiative in November 2012. The signature drive was announced at the city hall in San Francisco and was attended by murder victims’ families and law enforcement officials, such as San Francisco Sheriff Michael Hennessey (pictured), who support the measure. Hennessey cited a study released last…
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Oct 25, 2011
NEW RESOURCES: DPIC Launches Revised College Curriculum
The Death Penalty Information Center is pleased to announce a greatly expanded version of its college-level curriculum, Capital Punishment in Context (CPIC). The curriculum is free to professors and students and is available online. The curriculum uses a case-study approach, providing detailed factual accounts of actual death penalty cases, along with a rich variety of supplementary materials. Probing questions for additional research are offered in a variety of issue areas.
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Oct 24, 2011
NEW VOICES: The “Death Penalty’s Unlikely Opponents”
A recent CNN perspective examined the views of those they called “the most unlikely opponents of the death penalty, people who lost loved ones to unspeakable violence yet believe executing the killer will do nothing for family members or society.” For example, Ross Byrd, the son of James Byrd, Jr., who was dragged to his death behind a truck in Texas by Lawrence Brewer, nevertheless objected to Brewer’s execution, saying “You can’t fight murder with…
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Oct 21, 2011
STUDIES: Causes of Wrongful Convictions in Pennsylvania
A recent report from the Pennsylvania Advisory Committee on Wrongful Convictions called for serious reforms in the state’s criminal justice system. The committee, which was instructed to identify the most common causes of wrongful convictions (some of which were capital cases) and any current laws and procedures implicated in each type of causation, found that, “under [the current] institutional structure, defendants have been punished for crimes they did not commit.
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Oct 20, 2011
NEW RESOURCES: Five New States Added to State Information Pages
DPIC is pleased to announce the addition of five more states to our State Information Pages. Information is now available for 25 states, including the latest entries: Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, Massachusetts and New York. These pages provide historical and current information on the death penalty for each state (regardless of whether it currently has the death penalty), including famous…
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Oct 19, 2011
RACE: Historic Civil Rights Suit Filed in Alabama Over Exclusion of Blacks from Jury Service
On October 19, five African Americans filed a federal civil rights lawsuit charging that Alabama has illegally excluded blacks from serving on death penalty juries in Houston and Henry Counties. The plaintiffs in this class action suit were all previously barred from serving on juries in capital or other serious felony cases. In each case, state courts found blacks were illegally excluded from jury service because of their race. Bryan Stevenson, lead attorney…
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Oct 18, 2011
STUDIES: “Geography of the Death Penalty and its Ramifications”
A new study by Professor Robert J. Smith of the DePaul University College of Law examines the imposition of death sentences by counties in the U.S. The author, who is also part of The Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice at Harvard, found that only a relatively few counties impose a large percentage of death sentences, while a large majority of jurisdictions have abandoned the use of capital punishment. Prof. Smith’s study found that death sentences that…
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Oct 17, 2011
COSTS: Ohio Judge Warns of High Costs in Upcoming Death Penalty Trial
An upcoming death penalty trial in Ohio will cost three to four times more than the cost of a life-without-parole trial, according to the trial judge, Michael Sage (pictured). The death penalty trial for Hector Alvarenga Retana, scheduled to begin on October 31, is expected to cost Butler County an estimated $250,000, according to the judge, not counting the cost of appeals. He said, “[The cost] is so great we can’t afford to pay for that directly out of our…
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Oct 14, 2011
PUBLIC OPINION: Gallup Poll Reports Lowest Support for Death Penalty in Nearly 40 Years
Recent polls conducted by Gallup and CNN indicate Americans’ support for the death penalty is continuing to decline. According to Gallup’s 2011 poll, the percentage of Americans approving the death penalty as a punishment for murder dropped to its lowest level in 39 years. Only 61% supported capital punishment in theory, down from 64% last year and from 80% support in 1994. This is the lowest level of support since 1972, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in…
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Oct 13, 2011
BOOKS: “Anatomy of Injustice: A Murder Case Gone Wrong”
A new book by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Raymond Bonner, Anatomy of Injustice: A Murder Case Gone Wrong, investigates the shortcomings of the justice system in the case of Edward Lee Elmore, a black man sentenced to death in South Carolina in 1982. Elmore, who was semi-literate with intellectual disabilities, was sent to death row for the murder and sexual assault of a white woman, even though there was little connection…
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