Entries by Death Penalty Information Center


Aug 032022

Amicus Groups Ask Supreme Court to Overturn Texas Appeals Court Refusal to Grant New Trial to Death-Row Prisoner Convicted Based on DNA Testimony Prosecutor and Trial Court Agree Was False

Three groups of fair jus­tice advo­cates have filed friend-of-the-court briefs ask­ing the U.S. Supreme Court to review and over­turn a Texas appeals court rul­ing that denied a new tri­al to a death-row pris­on­er who pros­e­cu­tors and the tri­al court agree was con­vict­ed based on false DNA tes­ti­mo­ny by a dis­graced police crime…

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Aug 022022

Commentary: Despite Strong Evidence of Innocence, Courts and Officials Pass the Buck’ Keeping Toforest Johnson on Alabama’s Death Row

The inno­cence case of Alabama death-row pris­on­er Toforest Johnson (pic­tured, cen­ter) has drawn sub­stan­tial sup­port from for­mer judges, jurors, pros­e­cu­tors, and state bar pres­i­dents, but dis­in­ter­est by cur­rent Alabama offi­cials has left Johnson lan­guish­ing on death row. So argues jour­nal­ist Radley Balko in his Washington Post col­umn on July 28,…

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Jul 292022

Alabama Execution of Joe Nathan James Marred by Failures to Set IV Line, Embarrassing Dress-Code Controversy, and Disrespect of Victim’s Family

Alabama put Joe Nathan James, Jr. to death on July 28, 2022 against the wish­es of his victim’s fam­i­ly in an exe­cu­tion marred by an hours-long fail­ure to set a lethal-injec­­tion intra­venous line and an embar­rass­ing dress-code con­tro­ver­sy in which a cor­rec­tions offi­cial told a female reporter she would not be able to wit­ness the exe­cu­tion because her skirt was too short and she was wear­ing open-toed shoes and sub­ject­ed anoth­er female reporter to a clothing…

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Jul 272022

California State and Federal Courts Overturn Three Death Sentences

State and fed­er­al courts have over­turned three California death sen­tences in a span of two weeks from late June to mid-July 2022. Death-row pris­on­ers Richard Clark, Michael Bramit, and Andrew Lancaster were all grant­ed relief on claims relat­ed to defense counsel’s inad­e­quate per­for­mance or jury-relat­ed issues. Clark and Bramit will receive new penalty-phase…

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Jul 222022

Oklahoma Death-Row Prisoner James Coddington Asks Oklahoma Board of Pardons and Parole to Commute Sentence

Lawyers for James Coddington (pic­tured), the first per­son sched­uled to be exe­cut­ed as part of Oklahoma’s two-year exe­cu­tion spree, are seek­ing clemen­cy for a man they say exem­pli­fies the prin­ci­ples of redemp­tion.” In a peti­tion filed July 15, 2022, they ask the Oklahoma Pardons and Parole Board to com­mute Coddington’s death sen­tence to life with­out parole, describ­ing Coddington’s sin­cere remorse and exem­plary behav­ioral record on death…

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Jul 212022

Alabama Set to Execute Joe Nathan James Against the Wishes of His Victim’s Family

If Alabama exe­cutes Joe Nathan James on July 28, 2022 for the mur­der of Faith Hall, it can­not claim to be doing jus­tice for her or her fam­i­ly. Hall’s two daugh­ters, Terrlyn and Toni Hall (pic­tured, far left and far right) and her broth­er Helvetius Hall (pic­tured, mid­dle), oppose James’ exe­cu­tion and say Faith would oppose it,…

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