Entries by Death Penalty Information Center
Jan 16, 2004
Samoa to Abandon Death Penalty
The Pacific island of Samoa has begun formal measures to abolish the death penalty. Samoa has not conducted an execution in more than 50 years, and death sentences that are still delivered by judges are always commuted to life imprisonment. As he introduced the statute to abolish the death penalty, Prime Minister Sailele Malielegaoi told parliament that the death penalty should not be on the law books if it is not going to be carried out. (ONE News and AAP, January 16, 2004) See International…
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Jan 15, 2004
State-By-State Death Sentencing
DPIC has prepared a new chart showing the number of death sentences in each state by year since 1977. As we have indicated elsewhere, the overall number of death sentences in the U.S. has declined markedly in recent years. For example, the 159 death sentences in 2002 were only HALF of the 320 sentences in 1996. Regionally, sentences in the West have dropped the most, from 66 in 1996 to 21 in 2002. DPIC’s chart is based on Bureau of Justice Statistics’ reports. For more information on the…
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Jan 14, 2004
Associated Press Reports on Execution in Ohio
The Associated Press provided a description of the struggle to execute Ohio death row inmate Lewis Williams on January 14,…
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Jan 12, 2004
New Jersey Governor Vetoes Death Penalty Study Bill
A month after New Jersey’s legislature passed by a wide margin a bipartisan bill calling for the creation of a study commission to examine the cost, fairness and effects of capital prosecutions in the state, Governor James McGreevey has vetoed the measure. The bill passed the legislature in December 2003 with the support of key state lawmakers, including death penalty proponents. In recent years, public support for capital punishment in general has sharply declined in New Jersey, and the…
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Jan 12, 2004
Innocence Concerns Spur Calls for Higher Standard in Death Penalty Cases
Attorneys from the New York Capital Defender Office have followed the lead of various death penalty experts and petitioned the New York Court of Appeals to require a higher standard of proof of guilt before a death sentence may be sought. The current standard of “beyond a reasonable doubt” of guilt applies in both capital and non-capital cases. Because of the evidence of mistakes in death penalty cases, the attorneys called for proof “beyond any doubt” in such cases. Frank Keating, a senior…
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Jan 09, 2004
NEW VOICES: District Attorney Talks About Being “Smart on Crime”
Kamala Harris, the newly-elected San Francisco District Attorney, recently spoke about her approach to keeping the community…
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Jan 08, 2004
PUBLIC OPINION: Americans More Skeptical of Any Deterrent Effect of Death Penalty
A recent Harris Poll found that only 41% of Americans believe that the death penalty deters crime, marking the smallest number of such respondents in 27 years of this poll. Only 37% of those polled would continue to support capital punishment if they believed “that quite a substantial number of innocent people are convicted of murder.” Overall, 69% percent of those polled said that they support capital punishment. The poll was conducted in December 2003. (PR Newswire, January 7, 2004) See…
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Jan 08, 2004
Rate of Death Sentencing at Its Lowest Point Since Reinstatement
While the number of death sentences in the United States has fallen in recent years, the drop in the rate of death sentencing has been even more dramatic. The death sentencing rate is the number of death sentences divided by the population, and is one measure of a country’s support for the death penalty. The projected rate of sentencing for 2003, 0.048 per 100,000 people, is the lowest rate since the reinstatement of the death penalty in 1976. For more information, read the 2003 DPIC…
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Jan 06, 2004
For the First Time, No Death Sentences in Chicago in 2003
In the year since former Illinois Governor George Ryan’s decision to grant clemency to all those awaiting execution in the state, no one has been sentenced to death in Cook County, which includes Chicago. This marks the first time since Illinois reinstated capital punishment in 1977 that the county has not had a death sentence. Cook County has historically sent the highest annual number of defendants to death row. Although Illinois currently has a moratorium on executions in place,…
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Jan 05, 2004
States Slow to Implement ABA Defense Counsel Guidelines
More than a year after the American Bar Association overwhelmingly passed guidelines to raise the quality of defense counsel in death penalty cases, no state has adopted the standards and the ABA continues to voice concern that trials are proceeding under “a system that is desperately broken.” Although the ABA does not take a position on capital punishment other than their opposition to executing juveniles and those with mental retardation, the organization’s 2002 guidelines delineate the…
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