Entries by Death Penalty Information Center


Nov 232021

California Penal Code Committee Recommends Repealing State’s Death Penalty

The Committee on Revision of the Penal Code, cre­at­ed by the California state leg­is­la­ture to review the state’s crim­i­nal laws, has issued a report unan­i­mous­ly rec­om­mend­ing that the state repeal its death penal­ty. The six-mem­ber committee’s 39-page Death Penalty Report, released November 17, 2021, also offers inter­me­di­ate rec­om­men­da­tions for reduc­ing the size of California’s near­ly 700-per­son death row — the largest of any state in the…

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Nov 162021

Execution Volunteer’ First to be Put to Death in Mississippi in Nine Years

Mississippi car­ried out its first exe­cu­tion in more than nine years on November 17, 2021, putting to death a man with men­tal health dis­or­ders who had waived his appeals. David Neal Cox became at least the 150th per­son since exe­cu­tions resumed in the United States in 1977 to drop their appeals and vol­un­teer” for exe­cu­tion. Executions of vol­un­teers account for 10% of all U.S. exe­cu­tions in that…

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