
Execution List 2021

Last Updated: February 102022

Eleven prisoners have been executed in the United States in 2021 by the U.S. federal government and five states. 

Executions in 2021

DateNumber Since 1976StateNameAgeRaceVictim RaceMethodDrug Protocol

Years from Sentence to Execution

1/​13/​211530FederalLisa Montgomery52W1 White femaleLethal Injection1‑drug (Pentobarbital)18
1/​14/​211531FederalCorey Johnson52


6 Black males, 1 Black female

Lethal Injection1‑drug (Pentobarbital)28
1/​16/​211532FederalDustin Higgs48B3 Black femalesLethal Injection1‑drug (Pentobarbital)20
5/​19/​211533TXQuintin Jones41B1 Black femaleLethal Injection1‑drug (Pentobarbital)20
6/​30/​211534TXJohn Hummel45W

2 White female, 1 White male

Lethal Injection1‑drug (Pentobarbital)10
9/​28/​211535TXRick Rhoades57W2 White maleLethal Injection1‑drug (Pentobarbital)28
10/​5/​211536MOErnest Johnson61B2 White females, 1 Black maleLethal Injection1‑drug (Pentobarbital)26
10/​21/​211537ALWillie B. Smith III52B1 White femaleLethal Injection3‑drug (Midazolam)29
10/​28/​211538OKJohn Marion Grant60B1 White femaleLethal Injection3‑drug (Midazolam)21
11/​17/​211539MSDavid Cox50W1 White femaleLethal Injection3‑drug (Midazolam)9
12/​8/​211540OKBigler Stouffer79W1 White femaleLethal Injection3‑drug (Midazolam)18

Most states car­ry out exe­cu­tions with a three-drug lethal-injec­tion pro­to­col. Others use a sin­gle drug. The three-drug pro­to­col typ­i­cal­ly begins with an anes­thet­ic or seda­tive, fol­lowed by a sec­ond drug to par­a­lyze the inmate and a third drug — typ­i­cal­ly potas­si­um chlo­ride — to stop the prisoner’s heart. The first drug used varies by state and is list­ed above for each exe­cu­tion.

ƒ female
* vol­un­teer — an inmate who waived ordi­nary appeals that remained at the time of his or her exe­cu­tion
~ for­eign nation­al
¥ white defen­dant exe­cut­ed for mur­der of black victim

Updated February 10, 2022 with addi­tion­al vic­tim infor­ma­tion in the case of Ernest Johnson.