
Execution List 2023

Last Updated: November 302023

This page is updat­ed on busi­ness days by 12 pm Eastern Time.

24 prisoners have been executed

in five states in the United States in 2023.

Executions in 2023

DateNumber Since 1976StateNameAgeRaceVictim RaceMethodDrug ProtocolYears from Sentence to Execution
1/​3/​20231559MOAmber McLaughlin ƒ+49White1 White FemaleLethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)16
1/​10/​20231560TXRobert Fratta65White1 White FemaleLethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)14
1/​12/​20231561OKScott Eizember62White1 White Female; 1 White MaleLethal Injection3‑drug lethal (mida­zo­lam)18
2/​1/​20231562TXWesley Ruiz43Latino1 White MaleLethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)15
2/​7/​20231563MOLeonard Taylor59Black

3 Black Females,

1 Black Male

Lethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)15
2/​8/​20231564TXJohn Balentine54Black3 White MalesLethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)24
2/​23/​20231565FLDonald Dillbeck59White1 White FemaleLethal Injection3‑drug (eto­mi­date)32
3/​7/​20231566TXGary Green52Black2 Black FemalesLethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)13
3/​9/​20231567TXArthur Brown52Black2 Latino Males; 1 Latina Female; 1 Black FemaleLethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)30
4/​12/​20231568FLLouis Gaskin56Black1 White Female; 1 White MaleLethal Injection3‑drug (eto­mi­date)33
5/​3/​20231569FLDarryl Barwick56White1 White FemaleLethal Injection3‑drug (eto­mi­date)31
6/​6/​20231570MOMichael Tisius42White2 White MalesLethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)22
6/​16/​231571FLDuane Owen62White1 White FemaleLethal Injection3‑drug (eto­mi­date)37
7/​20/​231572OKJemaine Cannon51Black1 Black FemaleLethal Injection3‑drug lethal (mida­zo­lam)27
7/​21/​231573ALJames Barber64White1 White FemaleLethal Injection3‑drug lethal (mida­zo­lam)19
8/​1/​20231574MOJohnny A. Johnson45White1 White FemaleLethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)18
8/​3/​20231575FLJames P. Barnes61White1 White FemaleLethal Injection3‑drug (eto­mi­date)16
9/​21/​20231576OKAnthony Castillo Sanchez44Latinx1 White FemaleLethal Injection3‑drug lethal (mida­zo­lam)17
10/​3/​20231577FLMichael Zack54White1 White FemaleLethal Injection3‑drug (eto­mi­date)26
10/​10/​20231578TXJedidiah Murphy48White1 White FemaleLethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)22
11/​09/​20231579TXBrent Brewer53White1 White MaleLethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)32
11/​16/​20231580ALCasey McWhorter48White1 White MaleLethal Injection3‑drug lethal (mida­zo­lam)29
11/​16/​20231581TXDavid Renteria54Native American1 Latina FemaleLethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)15
11/​30/​20231582OKPhillip D. Hancock59White2 White MalesLethal Injection3‑drug lethal (mida­zo­lam)19

Most states car­ry out exe­cu­tions with a three-drug lethal-injec­tion pro­to­col. Others use a sin­gle drug. The three-drug pro­to­col typ­i­cal­ly begins with an anes­thet­ic or seda­tive, fol­lowed by a sec­ond drug to par­a­lyze the pris­on­er and a third drug — typ­i­cal­ly potas­si­um chlo­ride — to stop the prisoner’s heart. The first drug used varies by state and is list­ed above for each exe­cu­tion.

ƒ female
* vol­un­teer — a pris­on­er who waived ordi­nary appeals that remained at the time of his or her exe­cu­tion
~ for­eign nation­al
¥ white defen­dant exe­cut­ed for mur­der of black vic­tim
+ tried as a male, Scott McLaughlin