
Execution List 2024

Last Updated: December 192024

This page will be updat­ed at 12 noon (Eastern Time) each day to reflect exe­cu­tions that occurred in the pre­vi­ous 24 hours.

25 prisoners have been executed

in 9 states in the United States in 2024.

Executions in 2024

DateNumber Since 1976StateNameAgeRaceVictim RaceMethodDrug ProtocolYears from Sentence to Execution
1/​25/​20241583ALKenneth Eugene Smith 58White1 White FemaleLethal GasNitrogen Gas35
2/​28/​20241584TXIvan Cantu50Latino

1 Latino Male

1 White Female

Lethal Injection 1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal) 22
3/​20/​20241585GAWillie James Pye59Black1
Lethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)27
04/​4/​20241586OKMichael Dewayne Smith41Black1 Black Female

1 Asian Male
Lethal Injection3‑drug pro­to­col (Midazolam, vecuro­ni­um bro­mide, potassium chloride)21
04/​9/​20241587MOBrian Dorsey52White

1 White Female

1 White Male

Lethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)15
05/​30/​20241588ALJamie Ray Mills50White

1 White Female

1 White Male

Lethal Injection3‑drug lethal injec­tion (begin­ning with Midazolam)16
06/​11/​20241589MODavid R. Hosier69White

1 White Female

1 White Male

Lethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)10
06/​26/​20241590TXRamiro Felix Gonzales41Latino1 White FemaleLethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)17
06/​27/​20241591OKRichard Norman Rojem Jr.66White1 White FemaleLethal Injection3‑drug pro­to­col (Midazolam, vecuro­ni­um bro­mide, potassium chloride)38
07/​18/​20241592ALKeith Edmund Gavin64Black1 White MaleLethal Injection3‑drug lethal injec­tion (begin­ning with Midazolam)24
8/​7/​20241593TXArthur Lee Burton54Black1 White FemaleLethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)26
8/​8/​20241594UTTaberon Dave Honie48Native American of Alaskan Native1 Native American of Alaskan Native FemaleLethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)25
8/​29/​20241595FLLoran Kenstley Cole57White1 White FemaleLethal Injection3‑drug lethal injec­tion (begin­ning with Etomidate)28
9/​20/​20241596SCFreddie Khalil” Owens46Black1 Black FemaleLethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)25
9/​24/​20241597MOMarcellus Khalifa” Williams55Black1 White FemaleLethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)23
9/​24/​20241598TXTravis James Mullis38White1 White MaleLethal Injection1‑drug lethal injec­tion: pentobarbital13
09/​26/​20241599OKEmmanuel Antonio Littlejohn52Black1 White MaleLethal Injection3‑drug pro­to­col (Midazolam, vecuro­ni­um bro­mide, potassium chloride)30
09/​26/​20241600ALAlan Eugene Miller59White3 White MalesLethal GasNitrogen Gas24
10/​1/​20241601TXGarcia Glen White61Black2 Black FemalesLethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)28
10/​17/​20241602ALDerrick Ryan Dearman36White

3 White Males

2 White Females

Lethal Injection3‑drug lethal injec­tion (begin­ning with Midazolam)6
11/​01/​20241603SCRichard Bernard Moore59Black1 White MaleLethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)23
11/​21/​20241604ALCarey Dale Grayson50White1 White FemaleLethal GasNitrogen Gas28
12/​3/​20241605MOChristopher Leroy Collings49White1 White FemaleLethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)12
12/​18/​20241606INJoseph Edward Corcoran49White4 White MalesLethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)25
12/​19/​20241607OKKevin Ray Underwood45White1 White FemaleLethal Injection3‑drug pro­to­col (Midazolam, vecuro­ni­um bro­mide, potassium chloride)16

Most states car­ry out exe­cu­tions with a three-drug lethal-injec­tion pro­to­col. Others use a sin­gle drug. The three-drug pro­to­col typ­i­cal­ly begins with an anes­thet­ic or seda­tive, fol­lowed by a sec­ond drug to par­a­lyze the pris­on­er and a third drug — typ­i­cal­ly potas­si­um chlo­ride — to stop the prisoner’s heart. The first drug used varies by state and is list­ed above for each exe­cu­tion.

ƒ female
* vol­un­teer — a pris­on­er who waived ordi­nary appeals that remained at the time of his or her exe­cu­tion
~ for­eign nation­al
¥ white defen­dant exe­cut­ed for mur­der of black victim