
Execution List 2025

Executions in 2025

DateNumber Since 1976StateNameAgeRaceVictim RaceMethodDrug ProtocolYears from Sentence to Execution
1/​31/​20251608SCMarion Bowman44Black1 White FemaleLethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)23
2/​5/​20251609TXSteven Nelson37Black1 White MaleLethal Injection1‑drug (pen­to­bar­bi­tal)13

Most states car­ry out exe­cu­tions with a three-drug lethal-injec­tion pro­to­col. Others use a sin­gle drug. The three-drug pro­to­col typ­i­cal­ly begins with an anes­thet­ic or seda­tive, fol­lowed by a sec­ond drug to par­a­lyze the pris­on­er and a third drug — typ­i­cal­ly potas­si­um chlo­ride — to stop the prisoner’s heart. The first drug used varies by state and is list­ed above for each exe­cu­tion.

ƒ female
* vol­un­teer — a pris­on­er who waived ordi­nary appeals that remained at the time of his or her exe­cu­tion
~ for­eign nation­al
¥ white defen­dant exe­cut­ed for mur­der of black victim