History Of The Death Penalty

Additional Resources

Further Reading

  • Brandon L. Garrett, End of Its Rope (2017)
  • John D. Bessler, Cruel & Unusual:The American Death Penalty and The Founders’ Eighth Amendment (2012)
  • Sheldon Ekland-Olson, Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Decides: Abortion, Neonatal Care, Assisted Dying, and Capital Punishment (2012)
  • David Garland, Randall McGowen & Michael Meranze (eds.), America’s Death Penalty: Between Past and Present (2011)
  • Michael Meltsner, Cruel and Unusual: The Supreme Court and Capital Punishment (rev. ed. 2011)
  • David Garland, Peculiar Institution: America’s Death Penalty in an Age of Abolition (2010)
  • Stuart Banner, The Death Penalty: An American History (2003)
  • Franklin E. Zimring, The Contradictions of American Capital Punishment (2003)