Facts & Research

Public Opinion

Public opinion polls show that support for the death penalty is currently near historic lows after peaking in 1994 and declining over the last 30 years.

DPI Report: Smart on Crime

DPI Report: Smart on Crime

Reconsidering the Death Penalty in Time of Economic Crisis


In a democ­ra­cy, the sub­stance of the laws is deter­mined by the peo­ple. Even the con­sti­tu­tion can be changed through the demo­c­ra­t­ic process. Public sen­ti­ment can be mea­sured through polling, but it is also reflect­ed in elec­tions and ref­er­en­da, both on a local and national level.

There is a long his­to­ry of polls of ask­ing the pub­lic whether they favor or oppose the death penal­ty for the crime of mur­der. The resul­tant respons­es might reflect the public’s philo­soph­i­cal or moral stance on the issue, but they do not mea­sure opin­ion about the death penal­ty as it is actu­al­ly prac­ticed, which requires such infor­ma­tion as the avail­abil­i­ty of alter­na­tive sen­tences, the risks of mis­take and bias, and the costs asso­ci­at­ed with the practice.

At Issue

The death penal­ty is some­times jus­ti­fied because the major­i­ty of poll respon­dents sup­ports it in the abstract. The Supreme Court, in attempt­ing to deter­mine whether a pun­ish­ment is cru­el and unusu­al, asks whether the pun­ish­ment com­ports with society’s evolv­ing stan­dards of decen­cy.” The Court has been reluc­tant to rely on opin­ion polls to mea­sure these stan­dards because poll results can vary wide­ly depend­ing on the polling firm and the spe­cif­ic word­ing of the ques­tions asked. Instead, the Court has looked to the actions of state leg­is­la­tures and the deci­sions of juries, pros­e­cu­tors and gov­er­nors, as reflect­ing pub­lic will. The myr­i­ad of dis­turb­ing facts about the death penal­ty has led to a sharp decline in its use and even to a low­er­ing of sup­port in the abstract poll ques­tion. Ultimately, the future of the death penal­ty will depend on whether it is retain­ing public support.

What DPIC Offers

DPI has high­light­ed the results of many polls on the death penal­ty over many years, both on a nation­al and state lev­el. Some of these polls go into greater depth than those just ask­ing the abstract ques­tion of sup­port or oppo­si­tion. DPI has also com­mis­sioned its own polls, includ­ing sur­veys of those in law enforce­ment, and has issued reports on the results.

Gallups’s 2023 poll about sup­port for the death penalty

News & Developments


Nov 18, 2024

NEW POLL: Overall Support for the Death Penalty Remains at Five-Decade Low as Opposition to the Death Penalty Grows Among Younger Generations

According to October 2024 polling pro­duced by Gallup, sup­port for cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment remains at a five-decade low in the United States. Overall, Gallup found 53% of Americans in favor of the death penal­ty, but that num­ber masks con­sid­er­able dif­fer­ences between old­er and younger Americans. More than half of young adults aged 18 to 43 now oppose the death penal­ty. Among those express­ing a polit­i­cal affil­i­a­tion, sup­port for the death penal­ty fell marked­ly in all groups and in all generations,…

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Oct 11, 2024

French and German Embassies Host a Discussion on Innocence and the Death Penalty

On October 11, 2024 the Embassies of France and Germany host­ed a dis­cus­sion on the ques­tion of inno­cence and the death penal­ty at the res­i­dence of the French Ambassador in Washington, D.C. Panelists includ­ed Herman Lindsey, a death row exoneree and Executive Director of Witness to Innocence; Vanessa Potkin, Director of Special Litigation at the Innocence Project; and Emmjolee Mendoza Waters, Director of the Death Penalty Abolition Program at Catholic Mobilizing Network. The approximately 75

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Sep 05, 2024

Research Roundup: Revisiting David Baldus’s Study to Examine Modern Day Use of the Death Penalty

DPI’s new series focus­es on aca­d­e­m­ic research and arti­cles in the field of cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment. This month’s arti­cle is Sacred Victims: Fifty Years of Data on Victim Race and Sex as Predictors of Execution,” in The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, co-authored by Professors Scott Phillips (Department of Sociology & Criminology), Justin Marceau, Sam Kamin, and a J.D. pro­gram alum­na, Nicole King, from the Sturm College of Law at the University of…

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Sep 03, 2024

Articles of Interest: The New York Times Editorial Board Argues United States Does Not Need the Death Penalty”

In an August 31, 2024, edi­to­r­i­al from The New York Times, the newspaper’s edi­to­r­i­al board writes that cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment is immoral, uncon­sti­tu­tion­al and use­less as a deter­rent to crime,” and asserts that President Joseph Biden should fol­low through with his cam­paign pledge to end the fed­er­al death penal­ty. The Times believes it would be an appro­pri­ate and humane finale to his pres­i­den­cy for Mr. Biden to ful­fill that pledge and try to elim­i­nate the death penal­ty for federal…

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