Recent Death Sentences By Name, Race, County, And Year

2021 Death Sentences by Name, Race, and County

Eighteen new death sen­tences were imposed across the United States in 2021, match­ing 2020’s total as the fewest in any year since the Supreme Court struck down all exist­ing death-penal­ty statutes in 1972.

Seven states imposed death sen­tences in 2021. Oklahoma and Alabama each hand­ed down four new sen­tences; California and Texas each imposed three. Florida imposed two; and Nebraska and Tennessee imposed one death sen­tence each. Alabama’s dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly high num­ber of death sen­tences was skewed by its out­lier sen­tenc­ing prac­tices. No Alabama jury unan­i­mous­ly vot­ed for death, but Alabama — alone among the states —per­mits judges to impose the death penal­ty based upon a non-unan­i­mous jury rec­om­men­da­tion. Three death sen­tences were imposed fol­low­ing non-unan­i­mous jury votes. In the fourth case, the defen­dant waived his right to a sentencing jury.

Only two U.S. coun­ties — Los Angeles County, California and Oklahoma County, Oklahoma — were respon­si­ble for more than a sin­gle death sen­tence. The two sen­tences imposed in Los Angeles both result­ed from jury ver­dicts hand­ed down before the coun­ty elect­ed reform pros­e­cu­tor George Gascón, who has pledged not to seek the death penal­ty. The final judi­cial sen­tenc­ings in those cas­es had been delayed by the pan­dem­ic. One death sen­tence in Florida also was the result of pan­dem­ic-delayed court pro­ceed­ings, after a jury rec­om­mend­ed a death sen­tence in 2019.

Notably, there were no death sen­tences in many for­mer­ly heavy-use death-penal­ty coun­ties, includ­ing Harris County, Texas; Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania; and Duval County, Florida. The elec­tion of reform pros­e­cu­tors in those and oth­er coun­ties across the coun­try has con­tributed sig­nif­i­cant­ly to the con­tin­u­ing low num­ber of new death sentences.

The major­i­ty (61.1%) of peo­ple sen­tenced to death in 2021 were either Black or Latinx. No white defen­dant was sen­tenced to death in tri­al pro­ceed­ings that did not involve any white vic­tim. Alabama, Texas, and Oklahoma col­lec­tive­ly account­ed for 61.1% of the year’s new death sentences.

Defendants Sentenced to Death in 2021

First NameMiddle NameLast NameStateDate Sentence Formally ImposedCountyRace of DefendantNumber/​Race of Victim(s)Age at CrimeNon-Unanimous /​Judge Sentencing
DonnieAbernathyAL11/​29/​21CherokeeWhite3 White Females38Jury waived /​1‑judge sentence
ChristopherHendersonAL10/​13/​21MadisonWhite2 White Female; 2 White Males4011 – 1 jury /​1‑judge sentence
MichaelAnthonyPowellAL5/​24/​21ShelbyBlack1 White Female4311 – 1 jury /​1‑judge sentence
MichaelDaleIervolinoAL11/​30/​21St. Clair CountyLatinx1 White Male3210 – 2 jury /​1‑judge sentence
DouglasJadeHarrisCA7/​1/​21Los AngelesBlack1 Latino Male, 2 Latina Females30
MichaelGargiuloCA7/​16/​21Los AngelesWhite1 White Female, 1 Latina Female25
AdrianOrtizCA2/​26/​21TulareLatinx1 Latino Male19
BillyWellsFL5/​25/​21BradfordWhite1 White Male43
ReynaldFigueroa SanabriaFL7/​2/​21PinellasLatinx1 White Female, 1 White Male41
AubreyTrailNE6/​9/​21SalineWhite1 White Female513‑judge pan­el
JosephFidelAllinieceOK7/​27/​21ClevelandBlack1 White Female29
DanielVasquezOK11/​5/​21McClainLatinx1 Black female33
DerrickLadayOK7/​7/​21OklahomaBlack1 Black Male22
WilliamReeceOK8/​19/​21OklahomaWhite1 White Female38
StevenWigginsTN8/​12/​21DicksonWhite1 White Male31
OtisMcKaneTX8/​6/​21BexarBlack1 White Male31
TyroneJamaalWilliamsTX11/​19/​21HuntBlack2 White Females30
WilliamGeorgeDavisTX10/​27/​21SmithWhite4 White Males34

2021 Death Sentences by Race of Defendant and Victim

2021 Death Sentences by County

2021 Death Sentences by State