The October 2003 edi­tion of the Foreign Service Journal con­tains a series of arti­cles exam­in­ing world opin­ion on the death penal­ty and its effect on U.S. poli­cies. The arti­cles, includ­ing one by DPIC Executive Director Richard Dieter, fea­ture infor­ma­tion on inter­na­tion­al treaties, the expe­ri­ences of for­mer U.S. for­eign diplo­mats, and the effect of the inter­na­tion­al move­ment away from the death penal­ty on the U.S.‘s posi­tion as a leader in human rights. Among the oth­er con­tribut­ing writ­ers are Harold Hongju Koh, Thomas R. Pickering, Paul Rosenszweig, Greg Kane, and Paul Blackburn. (Foreign Service Journal, October 2003) See International Death Penalty. For a copy of Richard Dieter’s arti­cle, con­tact DPIC.

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