The Death Penalty Information Center is pleased to announce a greatly expanded version of its college-level curriculum, Capital Punishment in Context (CPIC). The curriculum is free to professors and students and is available online. The curriculum uses a case-study approach, providing detailed factual accounts of actual death penalty cases, along with a rich variety of supplementary materials. Probing questions for additional research are offered in a variety of issue areas. Supplementing the case studies of Gary Graham and Juan Garza, CPIC now offers studies on Anthony Porter and Aileen Wuornos, whose cases garnered significant national attention. Porter was exonerated after students at the Medill School of Journalism investigated his case. Wuornos, who was accused of being a serial killer, was the subject of widespread media attention and at least two movies. The college curriculum provides a complete narrative of each case, including original resources such as homicide reports, affidavits, and transcripts of testimony from witnesses. The narratives are followed by a discussion of the issues raised by each case, enabling students to research further into a broad variety of topics. The curriculum has been widely used by educators across the country in such fields as sociology, civics, criminal justice and many other areas.
(DPIC Posted, October 25, 2011). DPIC also has a free, online curriculum for high school students at See also Educational Curricula and Student Resources.
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BOOKS: “Questioning Capital Punishment”
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