The Death Penalty Information Center offers many resources to help you stay informed of cur­rent death penal­ty news. We have just released our sec­ond week­ly video pod­cast, sum­ma­riz­ing impor­tant devel­op­ment from the week’s news. A new video will be post­ed each Friday on our YouTube chan­nel. You can also find these videos on our Facebook page, along with dai­ly news updates and week­ly info­graph­ics. Our Twitter and Google+ pages also link to dai­ly news updates. If you pre­fer to receive a once-week­ly update via email, you can sign up for our e‑newsletter, which is sent out each Monday with the pre­vi­ous week’s news. In addi­tion to these web resources, we also offer a mobile app for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch for easy access to our Fact Sheet, Execution Database, audio pod­casts, and oth­er infor­ma­tion. Our high school cur­ricu­lum is new­ly avail­able as a free iBook for the iPad with touch-screen nav­i­ga­tion, access to the full cur­ricu­lum even when offline, and use of stan­dard iBook fea­tures, such as instant word def­i­n­i­tions and easy note-taking functions.

DPIC Posted, October 22, 2012. See Multimedia.

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