Mr. Roberson was sched­uled to be exe­cut­ed tonight in Texas at 6 pm Central Time. A Travis County dis­trict court judge entered a stay of exe­cu­tion just 90 min­utes before his exe­cu­tion at the request of Texas leg­is­la­tors who sub­poe­naed Mr. Roberson to tes­ti­fy at a hear­ing next Monday. The State of Texas appealed the dis­trict court’s order to the TX CCA, which grant­ed the state’s motion. The leg­is­la­tors have now appealed to the Texas Supreme Court. It’s unknown whether TDCJ will still attempt to exe­cute Mr. Roberson tonight. 

The United States Supreme Court has denied Mr. Roberson’s request for a stay. Justice Sotomayor issued a dis­sent.