
Items: 431 — 440

May 03, 2007

INTERNATIONAL: Number of Executions Worldwide Declines

Amnesty International report­ed that exe­cu­tions world­wide fell by more than 25% last year, down from 2,148 in 2005 to 1,591 in 2006. Of all known exe­cu­tions that took place in 2006, 91% were car­ried out in six coun­tries, China (1,010), Iran (177), Pakistan (82), Iraq (65), Sudan (65), and the United States (53). Amnesty notes that exe­cu­tions in China are treat­ed as state secrets, and there may have been as many as 8,000 exe­cu­tions. Last year, the Philippines became the 99th

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May 02, 2007

NEW RESOURCE: The Lethal Injection Quandary” by Deborah Denno

Deborah Denno (pic­tured), Professor of Law at Fordham University and one of the nation’s lead­ing experts on meth­ods of exe­cu­tion, has writ­ten a research paper exam­in­ing the con­sti­tu­tion­al vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty of cur­rent lethal injec­tion statutes. The Lethal Injection Quandary: How Medicine Has Dismantled the Death Penalty” presents the results of her nation­wide study of lethal injec­tion pro­ce­dures and physi­cian involve­ment, and makes two rec­om­men­da­tions that aim to address con­cerns about the…

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Apr 25, 2007

ABA Study Calls on Tennessee to Extend Moratorium on Executions

Members of an American Bar Association Assessment Team have urged Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen to extend the state’s cur­rent mora­to­ri­um on exe­cu­tions so that a more thor­ough review of the state’s cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment laws can be con­duct­ed. The sev­en-mem­ber team also offered 14 rec­om­men­da­tions to address prob­lems iden­ti­fied dur­ing their review of Tennessee’s death penal­ty. Racial and geo­graph­ic dis­par­i­ties in cap­i­tal cas­es, poor­ly trained defense attor­neys, heavy case­loads for…

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Apr 24, 2007

New Study Casts Doubt on Reliability of Lethal Injection Drugs

A new sci­en­tif­ic study of 41 lethal injec­tions that took place in California and North Carolina dur­ing the past two decades revealed that two of the three drugs used to car­ry out these exe­cu­tions are not admin­is­tered in a way that reli­ably pro­duces death in the way intend­ed. The study, pub­lished in the Public Library of Science Journal, PLoS Medicine, found that inmates were giv­en a uni­form amount of anes­the­sia (sodi­um thiopen­tal) regard­less of their body weight or other…

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Apr 23, 2007

ARBITRARINESS: Study Finds 6th Circuit Political Appointments Result In Partisan Death Penalty Rulings

A Cincinnati Enquirer exam­i­na­tion of death penal­ty deci­sions issued by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit revealed that judges appear to con­sis­tent­ly vote along par­ty lines, there­by inject­ing arbi­trari­ness into death penal­ty rul­ings. The judges do most of their work as mem­bers of ran­dom­ly select­ed three-judge pan­els. Sixteen judges are eli­gi­ble to sit on those pan­els, includ­ing nine Republican appointees and sev­en Democratic appointees. This means life-and-death…

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Apr 17, 2007

Inadequate Capital Defense Underscored in Ohio Study

A Cincinnati Enquirer inves­ti­ga­tion of Ohio cap­i­tal cas­es found that more death sen­tences are over­turned in the state because of mis­takes by defense lawyers than for any oth­er rea­son. Reporters with the Enquirer found that 15 peo­ple on Ohio’s death row won fed­er­al appeals dur­ing the past sev­en years based entire­ly or in part on the poor per­for­mance of their lawyers. It’s a big, big prob­lem. The lawyers don’t have the where­with­al to put on a first-class defense,” observed Judge Gilbert…

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Apr 09, 2007

NEW RESOURCES: Trials Under the Military Commissions Act”

Amnesty International has released a new report enti­tled Justice Delayed and Justice Denied? Trials under the Military Commissions Act.” This report exam­ines whether pro­ceed­ings under the revised U.S. Military Commissions Act will com­ply with inter­na­tion­al stan­dards, espe­cial­ly when the death penal­ty is sought. In par­tic­u­lar, it explores the rights of detainees under inter­na­tion­al human rights law, the Geneva Conventions and the U.S. Constitution. (Amnesty International,…

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Apr 03, 2007

Pennsylvania Commission to Study Wrongful Convictions

Pennsylvania has con­vened a com­mis­sion of judges, pros­e­cu­tors, defense attor­neys, law enforce­ment offi­cers and vic­tims’ advo­cates to study the caus­es of wrong­ful con­vic­tions and make rec­om­men­da­tions for pre­vent­ing them in the state. Forensic errors, mis­tak­en eye­wit­ness iden­ti­fi­ca­tions and false con­fes­sions have led to wrong­ful con­vic­tions around the nation, includ­ing 9 peo­ple from Pennsylvania who have been exon­er­at­ed by DNA evi­dence. The com­mis­sion of 40 mem­bers was sponsored…

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Mar 30, 2007

NEW RESOURCES: Eyewitness Identification and Interrogation

The Justice Project, in con­junc­tion with The Justice Project Education Fund, has issued two com­pre­hen­sive pol­i­cy reviews designed to facil­i­tate com­mu­ni­ca­tion among local law enforce­ment agen­cies, pol­i­cy­mak­ers, prac­ti­tion­ers, and oth­ers who are con­cerned about the issues of eye­wit­ness iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and the elec­tron­ic record­ing of cus­to­di­al inter­ro­ga­tions. The reviews exam­ine each of these issues and iden­ti­fy pit­falls and best prac­tices” with the lat­est research behind them.

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Mar 06, 2007

ABA Panel Finds Executions In Indiana Random’

Florida Commission Recommends Changes to Lethal Injection Process ABA Panel Finds Executions in Indiana Random’ The Indiana Death Penalty Assessment Team, under the aus­pices of the American Bar Association, has called for a halt to exe­cu­tions in the state because of con­cerns about the arbi­trari­ness of the state’s death penal­ty. The seem­ing­ly ran­dom process of charg­ing deci­sions, plea agree­ments, and jury rec­om­men­da­tions is just part of a death penal­ty sys­tem that has…

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