Items: 41 — 50
Aug 28, 2018
Amnesty International Issues Report on the Death Penalty in Florida
A new report by Amnesty International says Florida’s approach to redressing the nearly 400 unconstitutional non-unanimous death sentences imposed in the state has deepened its status as an outlier on death-penalty issues by“add[ing] an extra layer of arbitrariness to [the state’s] already discriminatory and error-prone capital…
Read MoreAug 27, 2018
New Study Finds Link Between Perception of Resource Scarcity and Support for Death Penalty
A new study by an interdisciplinary team of Arizona State University psychology researchers has found a link between the actual and perceived scarcity of resources and support for capital punishment. The study, currently in press but available online on August 10 in the science journal, Evolution and Human Behavior, discovered that countries with greater resource scarcity were more likely to have a death penalty, as were U.S. states with…
Read MoreAug 22, 2018
NEW RESOURCES: Capital Punishment and the State of Criminal Justice 2018
The American Bar Association’s Criminal Justice Section has released its annual report on issues, trends, and significant changes in America’s criminal justice system. The new publication, The State of Criminal Justice 2018, includes a chapter by Ronald J. Tabak, chair of the Death Penalty Committee of the ABA’s Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice, describing significant death penalty cases and capital punishment…
Read MoreAug 02, 2018
New Podcast: Authors of Tennessee Death-Penalty Study Discuss Arbitrariness
The latest edition of Discussions with DPIC features H.E. Miller, Jr. and Bradley MacLean, co-authors of a recent study on the application of Tennessee’s death penalty. Miller and MacLean describe the findings from their article, Tennessee’s Death Penalty Lottery, in which they examined the factors that influence death-penalty decisions in the state. Based on their survey of thirty years of homicide cases, they found that whether a death sentence is imposed is…
Read MoreJul 11, 2018
STUDY: The Death Penalty in Tennessee is “a Cruel Lottery”
A new study of Tennessee’s death penalty concludes that the state’s capital-punishment system is“a cruel lottery” that is“riddled with…
Read MoreJun 27, 2018
STUDY: Tennessee Could Save $1.4 Million Annually Ending Death Penalty for Severe Mental Illness
Tennessee could save an estimated $1.4 – 1.89 million per year by adopting a ban on capital punishment for defendants with severe mental illness, according to a new report by the American Bar Association Death Penalty Due Process Review Project. The report said a severe mental illness death-penalty exclusion“could result in cost savings [because] a subset of individuals who currently could face expensive capital prosecutions and…
Read MoreJun 26, 2018
Report Finds Systemic Flaws, Recommends Major Reforms in Pennsylvania Death Penalty
Pennsylvania’s death-penalty system is seriously flawed and in need of major reform, according to a report released June 25, 2018, by the Pennsylvania Task Force and Advisory Committee on Capital Punishment. The bipartisan task force and advisory committee — which consisted of legislators, prosecutors, defense attorneys, police chiefs, judges, and victims’ advocates — began work in 2012 and examined 17 issues related to the Commonwealth’s death…
Read MoreJun 15, 2018
STUDY: Local Mississippi Prosecutors Struck Black Jurors at More than Four Times the Rate of Whites
A new study shows that the Mississippi District Attorney’s office that has prosecuted Curtis Flowers for capital murder six times — striking almost all black jurors in each trial — has disproportionately excluded African Americans from jury service for more than a quarter century. Reviewing the exercise of discretionary jury strikes in 225 trials between 1992 and 2017, American Public Media Reports discovered that during the tenure of…
Read MoreMay 23, 2018
STUDY: Pervasive Rubberstamping by State Courts Undermines Legitimacy of Harris County, Texas Death Sentences
State-court factfinding by judges in Harris County, Texas death-penalty cases is“a sham” that“rubberstamps” the views of county prosecutors, according to a study of the county’s capital post-conviction proceedings published in the May 2018 issue of the Houston Law Review. In The Problem of Rubber Stamping in State Capital Habeas Proceedings: A Harris County Case Study, researchers from the University of Texas School of…
Read MoreMay 11, 2018
STUDIES: Death-Penalty Jury Selection “Whitewashes” Juries and is Biased Towards Death
As support for the death penalty has declined in America, the process of“death-qualification” — which screens potential jurors in death-penalty cases based upon their views about capital punishment — produces increasingly unrepresentative juries from which African Americans are disproportionately excluded and, according to a new study by researchers at the University of California, increasingly biases juries in favor of conviction and…
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