Testimony and Statements

Items: 31 — 40

Sep 29, 2011

RELIGIOUS VIEWS: Over 150 Catholic Theologians Call for Repeal of the Death Penalty

In response to the exe­cu­tions of Troy Davis and Lawrence Brewer on September 21, over 150 Catholic the­olo­gians have signed a state­ment call­ing for the abo­li­tion of the death penal­ty in United States. The the­olo­gians stat­ed: “[W]e oppose the death penal­ty, whether a per­son on death row is guilty or inno­cent, on both the­o­log­i­cal and prac­ti­cal grounds. While we espe­cial­ly deplore and lament the killing of Troy Davis, we also decry the death sen­tences of the more than 3,200

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Sep 27, 2011

Religious Views: Over 150 Catholic Theologians Call for Repeal of the Death Penalty

In response to the exe­cu­tions of Troy Davis and Lawrence Brewer on September 21, over 150 Catholic the­olo­gians have signed a state­ment call­ing for the abo­li­tion of the death penal­ty in United States. The the­olo­gians stat­ed: “[W]e oppose the death penal­ty, whether a per­son on death row is guilty or inno­cent, on both the­o­log­i­cal and prac­ti­cal grounds. While we espe­cial­ly deplore and lament the killing of Troy Davis, we also decry the death sen­tences of the more than 3,200 inmates on death row…

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Dec 01, 2010

New Hampshire Death Penalty Study Commission — Final Report: Individual Statement of Commissioner Renny Cushing

There were a num­ber of fam­i­ly mem­bers of mur­der vic­tims who appeared before the Commission to share their per­son­al expe­ri­ences with homi­cide and the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem. They expressed their oppo­si­tion, as vic­tims, to the death penal­ty. As I lis­tened to their tes­ti­mo­ny, and as I do when I lis­ten to the expe­ri­ences of any fam­i­ly mem­ber of a mur­der vic­tim, whether they sup­port, oppose, or have no opin­ion on the death penal­ty, I felt a sense of shared expe­ri­ence, empa­thy, and sol­i­dar­i­ty. My…

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Aug 19, 2010

Statement from Attorneys for Kevin Keith

Statement from Attorneys for Kevin Keith in Response to Today’s Parole Board Recommendation Against Clemency The Governor’s ulti­mate respon­si­bil­i­ty is to ensure that no human being is exe­cut­ed in Ohio absent absolute cer­tain­ty. In Kevin Keith’s case, too many ques­tions remain unan­swered, and his exe­cu­tion should not pro­ceed as planned.The Parole Board’s own recita­tion of facts and brief find­ings can­not avoid facts point­ing to the exis­tence of doubt about Mr. Keith’s guilt.

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Jun 07, 2010

Pennsylvania Cost Commission to Consider Expensive Death Penalty System

On Monday, June 7, the Pennsylvania State Government Management and Cost Study Commission will hear from experts on pro­pos­als to cut the costs of var­i­ous gov­ern­ment pro­grams. The Commission, estab­lished in 2009, is com­prised of pri­vate and pub­lic sec­tor cost-mind­ed lead­ers in Pennsylvania and has been charged with study­ing the man­age­ment of gov­ern­ment oper­a­tions and mak­ing rec­om­men­da­tions for cost-cut­ting mea­sures. Among the experts who will tes­ti­fy at the hear­ing is Richard…

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Feb 04, 2010

NEW VOICES: Medical Society of New Jersey Urges AMA to Oppose Death Penalty

The Medical Society of New Jersey recent­ly approved a res­o­lu­tion call­ing upon the American Medical Association (AMA) to advo­cate for the abo­li­tion of cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment by each juris­dic­tion in the United States of America … and replace it with life in prison with­out the pos­si­bil­i­ty of parole.” Among the stat­ed ratio­nales for the res­o­lu­tion, the soci­ety not­ed that Numerous reports doc­u­ment per­ni­cious and recur­ring errors and oth­er fal­li­bil­i­ties associated…

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