Live Updates: Alabama Executes Alan Miller, 1600th Person Executed in Modern Era of the Death Penalty

Updated Sep 26, 2024 8:03 pm


Related Websites

Death Penalty Related Web Sites

The Death Penalty Information Center does not endorse any of the organizations listed below nor does it guarantee the accuracy of the information posted at these sites. Similarly, we do not claim that these organizations endorse DPIC.

Government Resources


State Departments of Corrections

(sites often include history, list of death row inmates, case histories, and upcoming executions)

Research & Legal Sources

Advocacy and Abolitionist Groups


  • American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) — a variety of articles and resources on the death penalty, includes state legislation updates.
  • ACLU’s Capital Punishment Project — a campaign to build support for the repeal of the death penalty in the U.S. through advocacy and education.
  • Campaign to End the Death Penalty — a national abolitionist group, focusing on grassroots support and organization to end the death penalty
  • Death Penalty Action — a national advocacy group seeking to end the death penalty both legislatively and through direct action in individual cases.
  • Equal Justice USA — a national, grassroots organization working to build a criminal justice system that is fair, effective, and humane, starting with repeal of the death penalty and increased services to families of homicide victims.
  • Friends Committee on National Legislation — a Quaker lobby in the public interest, seeks to follow the leadings of the Spirit as it speaks for itself and for like-minded Friends.
  • Journey of Hope — led by murder victim family members that conducts public education speaking tours and addresses alternatives to the death penalty.
  • Murder Victims’ Families for Human Rights — is an organization with a national and international focus actively working to abolish the death penalty. MVFHR members are murder victims’ family members and family members of the executed who are opposed to killing in all cases whether it be homicide, state killing, or extrajudicial killings and “disappearances.”
  •— the Official website of Sr. Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking.
  • Project Hope to Abolish the Death Penalty
  • Witness to Innocence — is the nation’s only organization composed of, by, and for exonerated death row survivors and their loved ones. The organization challenges the American public to grapple with the problem of a fatally flawed criminal justice system that sends innocent people to death row. One of Witness to Innocence’s primary goals is to empower death row survivors and their loved ones to be effective leaders in the death penalty movement. It provides an essential network of peer support for these individuals as they respond to the challenges and opportunities of life after exoneration.


  • Amnesty International — tracks death penalty internationally, includes statistics and general information, country reports
  • Australian Coalition Against the Death Penalty — anti-death penalty organization in Australia that supports International abolition of the death penalty and is against the re-introduction of capital punishment in Australia
  • Italian Section of Amnesty International — international death penalty documents, appeals and information
  • Bruderhof Community — articles and essays on capital punishment, includes writings from death row prisoners
  • Canadian Coalition Against the Death Penalty
  • Sant’Egidio Community of Italy — an appeal for the moratorium of the death penalty all over the world by the year 2000, promoted by Sr. Helen Prejean and other organizations.
  • Ensemble Contre La Peine de Mort — holds international conferences on worldwide abolition of the death penalty and publishes an electronic newsletter (in French).
  • European Association for Human Rights — campaigns for the promotion, advancement and protection of human rights and the promotion, monitoring and support of people in emergencies, including those on death row, at national and international level. (in English and German)
  • European Union in the United States - Site offering information on European Union policy and action on the death penalty.
  • International Commission against the Death Penalty — an international organization of high-level former governmental officials that works to abolish the death penalty worldwide.
  • The Moratorium Campaign — works towards obtaining a moratorium on the death penalty, educating the public, and collects signatures for a petition that will be delivered to the United States representatives to the United Nations on Human Rights Day.
  • International Justice Project — works towards the development, coordination and increased employment of international law and human rights standards as they pertain to capital punishment.
  • Reprieve — provides effective legal representation and humanitarian assistance to impoverished people facing the death penalty at the hands of the state in the US and the Caribbean. Reprieve’s Web site is an umbrella site that catalogues all death penalty resources on the internet.
  • World Coalition Against the Death Penalty — Coalition committed to the universal abolition of the death penalty.



Resources for Victims

Inmate Correspondence Groups

Other Sources