Bibliography of Recent Articles and Programs on the DP 

Dialogue on the Death Penalty Project

Compiled by Professor James Liebman, Columbia University School of Law
(see also, Recent Articles on the Death Penalty — with text avail­able on DPIC’s Web site) 

(alpha­bet­i­cal by author) 

Adams, Noah et al, Illinois death row releas­es close­ly match exe­cu­tions in num­ber, sup­port­ing call for mora­to­ri­um while process is reviewed, All Things Considered, National Public Radio January 27, 2000. (avail­able at www​.npr​.org)

Adcock, Ruth A., Victim fam­i­lies want death penal­ty, Chicago Tribune, Feb. 9, 2000, at 16

Adler, Margot, Restorative Justice, Weekend Edition, National Public Radio, Oct. 10, 1999. (avail­able at www​.npr​.org)

Armstrong, Ken & Steve Mills, Death row jus­tice derailed, Chicago Tribune, Nov. 14 – 181999

Alterman, Eric, Stop the killing, Intellectual Capital, Feb. 182000

Armstrong, Ken and Steve Mills, Ryan sus­pends death penal­ty; Illinois first state to impose mora­to­ri­um on exe­cu­tions, Chicago Tribune, Jan. 31, 2000, at 1

Armstrong, Ken and Steve Mills, Ryan: Until I can be sure”: Illinois is first state to sus­pend death penal­ty, Chicago Tribune, Feb. 1, 2000, at 1

Armstrong, Ken & Steve Mills, Death row inmate cleared: Failure of the death penal­ty in Illinois, Chicago Tribune, Jan. 192000

Armstrong, Ken and Steve Mills, Death penal­ty in state faces new chal­lenge: Ban urged for men­tal­ly retard­ed defen­dants, Chicago Tribune, Feb. 6, 2000, at 1

Armstrong, Ken & Steve Mills, Death row jus­tice derailed, Chicago Tribune, Nov. 14 – 181999

Armstrong, Ken & Steve Mills, String of exon­er­a­tions spurs leg­isla­tive pan­els to study reforms, Chicago Tribune, Nov. 161999

Armstrong, Ken, & Christi Parsons, Half of state’s death-penal­ty cas­es reversed, Chicago Tribune, Jan. 222000

Armstrong, Ken & Maurice Possley, The ver­dict: dis­hon­or, Chicago Tribune, Jan. 10 – 141999

Asseo, Laurie, Executions at high­est lev­el since 1954, Chicago Tribune, Sept. 281999

Associated Press, Activists want Bush to halt six exe­cu­tions, San Antonio Express News, Jan. 182000

Associated Press, Georgia keeps death penal­ty, may end elec­tric chair use, Feb. 222000

Associated Press, Killer’s account of crime post­ed on web after exe­cu­tion, Dallas Morning News, Jan. 8, 2000, at 4A

Associated Press, Ryan sets up pan­el to study death penal­ty, March 92000

Associated Press, Texas asked by European Union to halt exe­cu­tions, San Antonio Express-News, Jan. 202000

Barnes, Roger C., Myths can’t hide truth: Death penal­ty a fail­ure, San Antonio Express News, Feb. 272000

Beaven, Stephen, Ex-pros­e­cu­tor seeks jus­tice from the flip side, Indianapolis Star, March 122000

Becker, Jo, Court puts brake on fast death appeals, St. Petersburg Times, Feb. 8, 2000, at 1B

Benetton, We, On Death Row,” (Ad Campaign), Talk, Feb. 2000, (avail­able at www​.benet​ton​.com)

Belluck, Pam, Convict freed after 16 years on death row, N. Y. Times, Feb. 6, 1999, at A7

Berlow, Alan, The wrong man, The Atlantic Monthly, Nov. 11999

Bikel, Ofra, The Case for Innocence, Frontline (PBS), Jan. 112000

Bragg, Rick, Florida’s messy exe­cu­tions put the elec­tric chair on trial, N. Y. Times, Nov. 18, 1999, at A14

Brant, Martha, Last chance class, Newsweek, May 301999

Breslin, Jimmy, What would can­di­date Jesus do?” Time, Jan. 172000

Bright, Stephen, A smooth road to the death house, N.Y. Times, Feb. 72000

Brummett, John, The case against the death penal­ty, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Feb. 132000

Bryce, Robert, Death takes a hol­i­day, Austin Chronicle, Oct. 191999

Butterfield, Fox, Behind the death row bot­tle­neck, N.Y. Times, Jan. 25, 1998, at 4 – 1

Butterfield, Fox, New study adds to evi­dence of bias in death sen­tences, N.Y. Times, June 71998 

Carelli, Richard, Speed up on death row not work­ing, Associated Press, Dec. 131999

Catholic News Service, Pope appeals for end to cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment dur­ing jubilee year, Dec. 151999

Chambers, Aaron, Resources a con­cern in death penal­ty reform, Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, April 241999

Charen, Mona, DNA tests can avert awful errors, Omaha World-Herald, Feb. 162000 

Chiarito, Bob, House pan­el set to con­sid­er mora­to­ri­um on executions, Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, Jan.26, 2000, at 3

Chivers, C. J., As DNA aides rape inquiries, statu­to­ry lim­its block cas­es, N.Y. Times, Feb. 9, 2000, at A1

Claibourne, William, Illinois gov­er­nor, cit­ing errors will block exe­cu­tions, Washington Post, Jan. 31, 2000, at A1

Claibourne, William, Illinois order on exe­cu­tions laud­ed, Washington Post„ Feb. 1, 2000, at A2

CNN, Illinois gov­er­nor announces mora­to­ri­um in exe­cu­tions, believes death penal­ty sys­tem needs to be stud­ied,” CNN Morning News, Jan. 31, 2000 (avail­able at www​.cnn​.com)

CNN, Sentenced to die, CNN Evening News, January 9, 2000 (avail­able at www​.cnn​.com)

Cohen, Warren, Putting a hold on exe­cu­tions: Nebraska may study wrong con­vic­tions, U.S. News & World Report, May 311999

Cole, David, Opinion: Race, life and death, Washington Post, Jan. 112000

Cole, Yoji, Arizona attor­ney gen­er­al wants to find ways to speed exe­cu­tions, The Arizona Republic, Feb. 162000

Date, S.V., The high price of killing killers, Palm Beach Post, Jan. 42000

Date, S.V. Court: Lethal injec­tion makes elec­tric chair chal­lenge moot, Palm Beach Post, Jan. 252000

Date, S.V. and Marcia Gelbart, Limits Set On Appeals To Speed Executions, Palm Beach Post Staff, Jan. 82000

Davidson, Lee, Death row the end? Most get out alive, Deseret News, Salt Lake City, Dec. 131999 

Davis v. Johnson, 8 F. Supp.2d 897, 907 (S.D. Tex. 1998) (J. Hughes) (because the death penal­ty attracts the atten­tion of law enforce­ment, pros­e­cu­tion, courts and the pub­lic to grue­some, sen­sa­tion­al, but large­ly irra­tional, episod­ic mur­ders, [it] deflect[s] atten­tion from the large­ly rou­tine crimes that actu­al­ly destroy the qual­i­ty of life generally). 

Death row haunts mer­ci­less’ Bush, London Times, Jan. 52000 

Dedman, Bill, DNA tests are free­ing scores of prison inmates, N.Y. Times, April 191999

DiIulio, John J., Abolish the death penal­ty, offi­cial­ly, The Wall St. Journal, Dec. 15, 1997, at A23 

Dolan, Maura, Execution issue clouds Davis’ judge selec­tions, L.A. Times, Nov. 131999

Don’t ask, don’t lis­ten, Virginian-Pilot, Feb. 4, 2000, at B10

Dow, David, The real scan­dal on death row is inept lawyers, Houston Chronicle, Feb. 232000 

Duggan, Paul, More U.S. Executions — and More Debate on Death Penalty, International Herald Tribune, Dec. 15, 1999, at 2

Duggan, Paul, Rising num­ber of exe­cu­tions wel­comed, decried, Washington Post, Dec. 13, 1999, at A03

Dyckman, Martin, Death penal­ty law is a dia­bol­i­cal trap, St. Petersburg Times, Feb. 242000

Dyckman, Martin, Playing death penal­ty pol­i­tics, St. Petersburg Times, January 4, 2000, at 9A

Dyckman, Martin, Few have courage to take a stand, St. Petersburg Times, Jan. 112000

Dyckman, Martin, A sys­tem too flawed for exe­cu­tions, St. Petersburg Times, Feb. 1, 2000, at 9A

Editorial, Affront to jus­tice, St. Petersburg Times, January 52000

Editorial, Bush blind to execution’s dan­gers, St. Petersburg Times, Feb. 182000

Editorial, The cap­i­tal city’s cap­i­tal case, Washington Post, Feb. 9, 2000, at A20

Editorial, Case against death penal­ty grows, USA Today, Feb. 112000

Editorial, Dead on arrival: Death penal­ty repeal will not sur­vive, Daily Democrat, March 132000

Editorial, Death penal­ty pause, Washington Post, Feb. 4, 2000, at A30

Editorial, Death takes a hol­i­day, The Nation, March 6, 2000, at 3

Editorial, DNA and jus­tice, Washington Post, Dec. 22, 1999, at A32

Editorial, Down with the death penal­ty, The Economist, May 151999

Editorial, A fed­er­al exe­cu­tion mora­to­ri­um?, Chicago Tribune, Feb. 8, 2000, at 12

Editorial, Fix this bro­ken sys­tem, Chicago Tribune, Feb. 1, 2000, at 12

Editorial, Killings require moral cer­tain­ty, Austin-American Statesman, Jan. 32000

Editorial, Lock up the death penal­ty, Christian Science Monitor, Feb. 32000

Editorial, The gov­er­nor of Illinois takes a prin­ci­pled stand, San Francisco Examiner, Feb. 32000

Editorial, Illinois reprieve, Boston Globe, Feb. 32000

Editorial, A mora­to­ri­um on killing, St. Louis Post Dispatch, Dec. 261999

Editorial, A mud­dled law, Kentucky Post, Feb. 102000 

Editorial, New looks at the death penal­ty, N. Y. Times, Feb. 192000

Editorial, One coura­geous gov­er­nor, St. Petersburg Times, Feb. 6, 2000, at 2D

Editorial, Pause to reflect: A prin­ci­ple gov­er­nor brave­ly halts exe­cu­tions, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Feb. 32000

Editorial, Reforms are need­ed for the sys­tem to be fair, Dallas Morning News, Dec. 20, 1998, at 2J

Editorial, Rising doubts on death penal­ty, USA Today, Dec. 22, 1999, at 17A

Editorial, State’s death penal­ty must be re-exam­ined, Salem Statesman Journal, Feb. 82000

Editorial, Stay the exe­cu­tion: Mentally incar­cer­at­ed inmate should remain incar­cer­at­ed, Dallas Morning News, Jan. 202000

Editorial, A time­out on the death penal­ty, N.Y. Times, Feb. 12000

Editorial, Toward fair­er cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment, Chicago Tribune, Nov. 51999

Ethics and Public Policy Center, Current Catholic Thought on the Death Penalty, Center Conversations, Sept. 1999, No. 2

Exoneration is sought in Ill. death row case, Washington Post, Jan. 272000

Fiengold, Senator Russell, Statement on Governor Ryan’s Decision to Suspend Executions in Illinois, United States Senate, Jan. 312000

Fiorenza, Bishop Jospeh A., What every Catholic should know about cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment, Columbia, Jan. 2000

Freedberg, Sydney P., Ex-death row inmate gets walk­ing papers, St. Petersburg Times, March 172000

Freedberg, Sydney P., Florida gov­er­nor tells ex-judge to name those wrong­ly exe­cut­ed, St. Petersburg Times, Feb. 292000

Freedberg, Sydney P., The wrong man is on death row, lawyer argues, St. Petersburg Times, Sept. 31999

Frum, David, The jus­tice Americans demand, N.Y. Times, Feb. 42000

Gauen, Patrick E., Illinois jurist offers stri­dent crit­i­cism of the death penal­ty, St. Louis Post- Dispatch, May 21999

Gillespie, Mark, Public opin­ion sup­ports the death penal­ty, Gallup News Service, Feb. 24, 1999 (avail­able at www​.gallup​.com/​p​o​l​l​/​r​e​l​eases).

Glasser, Jeff, Death be not proud: The youngest inmates pre­pare to die for their crimes, U.S. News & World Report, Jan. 172000

Green, Frank, Official fears mora­to­ri­um on exe­cu­tions in state: He push­es bid to side­track study of death-row appeals, Richmond Times-Dispatch, Feb. 42000 

Greenhouse, Linda, Court’s refusal to hear cas­es pre­serves delays on death row, N.Y. Times, Nov. 9, 1999, at A1

Hastorok, Pamela, Political the­ater pro­duces cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment farce, Daytona Beach Journal, Jan. 9, 2000, at D1

Hannity & Colmes,Karla Faye Tucker case, Fox News Network, Jan. 151998

Hasterok, Pamela, Political the­ater pro­duces cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment farce, Daytona Beach News- Journal, Jan. 92000

Heller, Emily, Docs refuse to open death’s door: Doctors, pros­e­cu­tors fight over man too men­tal­ly ill to exe­cute, National Law Journal, Nov. 1, 1999, at A5

Hitchens, Christopher, Bush’s death watch, The Nation, August 231999

Hitchens, Christopher, Bush’s death trip, The Nation, March 6, 2000, at 9

High court puts death cas­es back into play: errors were found in 10 of 12 cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment cas­es reviewed this year, Orlando Sentinel, Aug. 24, 1999, at D1 

Hladky, Mary, No final judg­ment; On death they do part; Chief jus­tice urges Floridians to rethink cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment, Miami Daily Business Review, Feb. 201998

Howlett, Debbie, Moratorium effort inten­si­fies in Illinois, USA Today, Jan. 212000

Ivins, Molly, DNA trapped in old body of evi­dence, Binghampton Press, Jan. 162000

Janofsky, Michael, Parents of gay obtain mer­cy for his killer, N.Y. Times, Nov. 5, 1999, at A1

Johnson, Dirk, Illinois, cit­ing faulty ver­dicts, bars exe­cu­tions, N.Y. Times, Feb. 1, 2000, at A1

Johnson, Dirk, Legislature of Nebraska votes pause in exe­cu­tions, N.Y. Times, May 211999

Johnson, Mark, Panel ques­tions how death penal­ty is used: Focus includes race, men­tal­ly retard­ed defen­dants, Charlotte Observer, Feb. 172000

Just anoth­er night on death row, National Catholic Reporter, Feb. 42000

Justice is a grim reaper in Texas, National Catholic Reporter, Feb. 42000

Justice, Glen, Cardinal Bevilacqua argues for bill halt­ing death penal­ty, The Inquirer, Feb. 232000 

Kaplan, Carl, Execution Debate is broad­ened by pho­tos on web, N.Y. Times Cyberlaw Journal, Oct. 291999

Kaul, Donald, Our bar­bar­ic cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment sys­tem still mas­quer­ades as jus­tice, Des Moines Register, Feb. 272000

Keve, Paul W., The costli­est pun­ish­ment, Federal Probation, March 1992

Kinzer, Stephen, Turkey delays the exe­cu­tion of rebel Kurd: Action may ease entry into European Union, N.Y. Times, Jan. 13, 2000, at A1

Kroll, Michael, Executioner’s swan song?, Pacific News Service, Feb. 9, 2000 (avail­able at www​.salon​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​f​e​a​t​u​r​e​/​2000​/​02​/​08​/​d​e​a​t​h​_​p​e​n​a​l​t​y​/​i​n​d​e​x​.html).

Koppel, Ted & Terry Moran, Dead men talk­ing: the dan­ger of exe­cut­ing the inno­cent, Nightline, Nov. 181998

Kotlowitz, Alex, Comment; The exe­cu­tion of youth, The New Yorker, Jan. 17, 2000, at 23

Kozinski, Alex & Sean Gallagher, For an hon­est death penal­ty, N.Y. Times, Mar. 81995

Leahy to intro­duce Innocence Protection Act,” U.S. Newswire, Feb. 42000

Local bar asso­ci­a­tion calls for death penal­ty mora­to­ri­um, Richmond Times-Dispatch, April 151999

Lovinger, Caitlin, Death row’s liv­ing alum­ni, N.Y.Times, Aug 22, 1999, at 4 – 1

Malcolm, Teresa, Tucker’s death affect­ed Robertson views, Nat’l Catholic Reporter, Apr. 231999

Mansnerus, Laura, Dead men suing, New York Times, Book Review, Nov. 211999

Mauro, Tony, Supreme Court shift­ing sub­tly in death cas­es, New York Law Journal, Feb. 15, 2000, at 2

Mauro, Tony, Death penal­ty on high court’s mind, USA Today, Nov. 15, 1999, at 6A

McQueen, Michele, Crime and Punishment, Nightline, ABC News, Feb. 32000

Mears, Michael, The death penal­ty and racial bias in Georgia, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Jan. 12000

McCarthy, Bishop John, The injus­tice in our death penal­ty sys­tem, Austin American Statesman, Feb. 232000

McCormick, John, Behind the death penal­ty mora­to­ri­um, Newsweek, Feb. 52000

McGlone, Tim, Two Virginia death penal­ty cas­es receive world atten­tion: Groups speak out for 2 who were juve­niles when they killed, Virginian-Pilot, Jan. 9, 2000, at A1

McGlone, Tim, State’s death row cas­es draw High Court scruti­ny, Virginian-Pilot, Dec. 9, 1999, at A1

McLaughlin, Abraham, 98 exe­cu­tions in 99 reignite a cap­i­tal debate, Christian Science Monitor, Dec. 271999

Miller, Carol Marbin, Florida high court rais­es stan­dard for death row case lawyers, Miami Daily Business Review, Nov. 51999

Miller, Bill, Execution sought in Starbuck’s killings, Washington Post, Feb. 82000

Mills, Steve & Ken Armstrong, Another death row inmate cleared: Failure of the death penal­ty in Illinois, Chicago Tribune, Jan. 192000 

Mills, Steve & Ken Armstrong, Illinois pros­e­cu­tors under glare at death penal­ty hear­ing, Chicago Tribune, Jan. 262000

Milloy, Courtland, A death penal­ty study in bal­ck and white, Washington Post, Feb. 92000

Mintz, Howard, Slow death: The cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment grid­lock, San Jose Mercury News, March 132000

Moselely, Don, Torture in Area 2, 60 Minutes II, Dec. 71999

National Conference of Catholic Bishops/​United States Catholic Conference, A Good Friday appeal to end the death penal­ty, April 2, 1999 (avail­able at www./

National Conference of Catholic Bishops/​United States Catholic Conference, Communications Division, National Jewish/​Catholic Consultation in New Statement Urges End to the Death Penalty; Pledges Joint Efforts for Abolition,” Dec. 3, 1999 (avail­able at www./

NBC, Take This Sabbath Day, The West Wing, Feb. 92000

Neuhaus, Richard John, The Public Square, First Things 92: 60 – 75 (1998).

Niebuhr, Gustav, Governor grants Pope’s plea for life for a Missouri inmate, N.Y. Times, Jan. 291999

Niebuhr, Gustav, Tucker case may split evan­gel­i­cal Christians, N.Y. Times, Feb. 41998

Niebuhr, Gustav, U.S. Bishops urg­ing Catholics to be polit­i­cal­ly involved, N.Y. Times, Oct. 20, 1999, at A18

Neikirk, William, Clinton mulls stay of fed­er­al exe­cu­tions, Chicago Tribune, Feb. 52000

Noonan, David, Death row cost is a killer: Capital cas­es can’t be han­dled fair­ly and afford­ably, crit­ics claim, N.Y. Daily News, Oct. 171999

O’Hanlon, Kevin, Nebraska leg­is­la­ture pass­es nation’s first mora­to­ri­um on exe­cu­tions, Associated Press, May 201999 

O’Shea, Margaret, Race plays into death penal­ty use, The Augusta Chronicle, Nov. 141999

Osnos, Evan and David Heinzmann, Death penal­ty remains an option; Ryan’s exe­cu­tion halt won’t deter pros­e­cu­tors, Chicago Tribune, Jan. 31, 2000, at 1

Page, Clarence, Closing the mar­gin of error, Chicago Tribune, Feb. 2, 2000, at 19

Page, Clarence, When rea­son­able doubt per­sists again, and again, and …, Chicago Tribune, Feb. 202000

Pressley, Sue Anne, Florida votes bill adding method of exe­cu­tion, Washington Post, Jan. 7, 2000, at A14

Pollitt, Katha, The death penal­ty in the­o­ry and prac­tice, The Nation, March 6, 2000, at 10

Reilly, Sean, What would Jesus do?, Mobile Register, Jan. 72000 

Rowell, Rainbow, Benetton ads feed on mis­ery, Omaha World-Herald, Jan. 142000

Roberts, Rosemary, It’s time to abol­ish the death penal­ty, North Carolina News & Record, Feb. 22000

Shapiro, Joseph, The wrong men on death row, U.S. News & World Report, Nov. 9, 1998, at 22

Sussman, Dalia, Split deci­sion on death penal­ty: Alternative dilutes desire for cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment, ABC News, Jan. 20, 2000 (avail­able at ). 

Reuters, No evi­dence death penal­ty deters crime, Reno says, ABCNEWS​.GO​.COM, Jan. 202000

Robertson, Pat, Sparing Cain: exec­u­tive clemen­cy in cap­i­tal cas­es, pro­gram at the Association of the of the City of New York, Feb. 181999

Rimer, Sara, Questions of death row jus­tice for poor peo­ple in Alabama, N. Y. Times, March 1, 2000, at A1

Rimer, Sara, Florida leg­is­la­ture deals with death, N.Y. Times, Jan. 6, 2000, at A22

Rimer, Sara, Florida Lawmakers reject elec­tric chair, N.Y. Times, Jan. 72000

Rimer, Sara, Florida pass­es bill to quick­en exe­cu­tion pace, N.Y. Times, Jan. 8, 2000, at A1

Rosin, Hanna, Catholic, Jewish lead­ers tar­get death penal­ty in nation­al effort, Washington Post, Dec. 6, 1999, at A2

Rovella, David E., Race per­vades death penal­ty, Nat’l Law Journal, June 81998

Rubinstein, Rabbi Peter J., A Sermon for Yom Kippur 5760, Manhattan Central Synagogue, Sept. 19, 1999. S 

and­berg, Lisa, Texas ignores inter­na­tion­al out­cry, exe­cutes killer, San Antonio Express-News, Jan. 272000

Sussman, Dalia, Split deci­sion on death penal­ty: Alternative dilutes desire for cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment, ABC Evening News, Jan. 19, 2000 (avail­able at www​.abc​news​.com).

Texas Catholics chip away against the death penal­ty, National Catholic Reporter, Feb. 42000

Terrell, Charles T., Second thoughts from a long­time sup­port­er, Dallas Morning News, March 22000

Von Drehle, David, Capital pun­ish­ment in paral­y­sis, Miami Herald, July 101998

Wallace-Wells, Benjamin, States fol­low Illinois lead on death penal­ty, Boston Globe, Feb. 92000

Walters, Barbara, Interview with Jesse Ventura, 20/​20, Friday, Oct. 81999

Weinstein, Henry, Faster death penal­ty appeals reject­ed, L.A. Times, Jan. 25, 2000, at A3

Williams, Chris, Texas gov­er­nor urged to call off mon­th’s last exe­cu­tions, Dallas Morning News, Jan. 182000 

Willing, Richard Department of Justice pan­el wants no lim­its on DNA appeals, USA Today, Sept. 27, 1999, at 1

Willing, Richard & Gary Fields, Geography of the death penal­ty: Prosecutor often deter­mines which way a case will go, USA Today, Dec. 20, 1999, at 6A

Wood, James, Playing God, The New Republic, Feb. 212000

Yardley, Jim, A role mod­el for exe­cu­tions, N.Y. Times, Jan. 9, 2000, at WK5.

Yardley, Jim, Texas’ busy death cham­ber helps define Bush’s tenure, N.Y. Times, Jan. 7, 2000, at A1.