Capital Case Roundup — Death Penalty Court Decisions the Week of January 252021

NEWS (1/​28/​21) — California: The California Supreme Court has upheld the con­vic­tion and death sen­tence imposed on Salvadoran nation­al Irving Ramirez for killing a San Leandro police offi­cer in July 2005

Ramirez admit­ted to hav­ing shot the offi­cer but argued that he was heav­i­ly intox­i­cat­ed and lacked the men­tal state to be guilty of pre­med­i­tat­ed mur­der. The court reject­ed Ramirez’s claim that his intox­i­ca­tion negat­ed the intent to kill required for first-degree mur­der under California law and ruled that both the instruc­tions pro­vid­ed to the jury and the prosecution’s clos­ing argu­ment regard­ing his intox­i­ca­tion were appropriate. 

Ramirez also raised sev­er­al claims relat­ing to the pres­ence of 17 – 18 uni­formed police as spec­ta­tors dur­ing the tri­al and the pre­sen­ta­tion of vic­tim-impact state­ments by police offi­cers in the penal­ty phase. The court ruled that the offi­cers’ pres­ence was not prej­u­di­cial, giv­en their loca­tion in the gallery and that, with a full gallery, their pres­ence was not pal­pa­ble.” The court also reject­ed the chal­lenge to police vic­tim-impact tes­ti­mo­ny, rul­ing that such tes­ti­mo­ny was not lim­it­ed to fam­i­ly mem­bers and that the police tes­ti­mo­ny in the case was not unfairly prejudicial.