New York Times
Thursday, November 152001

A day after President Bush signed an order allow­ing spe­cial mil­i­tary tri­bunals to try for­eign­ers charged with ter­ror­ism, a more detailed pic­ture of what gov­ern­ment plan­ners envi­sion began to emerge.

Witnesses would be sworn to tell the truth, just as they are in American court­rooms. But they might tes­ti­fy behind closed doors, a Bush admin­is­tra­tion offi­cial said yesterday.

A defen­dant would not nec­es­sar­i­ly get his choice of a lawyer. Instead of jurors, mil­i­tary offi­cers — per­haps five of them on a pan­el — would ren­der ver­dicts in places far from home, like Afghanistan or Pakistan.

It was an unfa­mil­iar pic­ture of American jus­tice, with unusu­al short­cuts and lim­it­ed appeal rights. Supporters said the war required that the coun­try not allow legal fine points to stand in its way. The idea is, you need swift jus­tice,” said Jack Goldsmith, a law pro­fes­sor at the University of Chicago.

Critics said the tri­als could seem unfair because they would not pro­vide the pro­tec­tions of American courts and might fur­ther inflame Muslim crit­ics here and abroad.

If we do it through a mil­i­tary tri­al, peo­ple around the world will view the out­come as a fore­gone con­clu­sion,” said David Wippman, a law pro­fes­sor at Cornell University.

A tri­al before a mil­i­tary tri­bunal would resem­ble a tra­di­tion­al tri­al in that pros­e­cu­tors would file for­mal charges against a per­son for ter­ror­ist activ­i­ties — an Al Qaeda leader cap­tured in Afghanistan, for example.

But the sim­i­lar­i­ties would end there. Commission tri­bunals will accept evi­dence that is typ­i­cal­ly barred from court, like hearsay, which would make it eas­i­er for pros­e­cu­tors to prove their cas­es. Even a death penal­ty could be imposed with­out the una­nim­i­ty required of civil­ian juries. A two-thirds vote of the pan­el of offi­cers would be sufficient.

Legal experts pre­dict­ed court chal­lenges to the plan. Some said it was unclear whether courts would agree that the cur­rent cir­cum­stances jus­ti­fied military commissions.

Such tri­bunals have a long inter­na­tion­al his­to­ry. They have been used in this coun­try at least since 1780, when George Washington appoint­ed a board of offi­cers to try Maj. John Andre, a British spy who slipped behind American lines to gath­er infor­ma­tion from Benedict Arnold.

There cer­tain­ly are prece­dents through his­to­ry for mil­i­tary com­mis­sions, but that does­n’t mean the pres­i­dent has the con­sti­tu­tion­al author­i­ty to use them when­ev­er he says there’s an emer­gency,” said Christopher L. Eisgruber, direc­tor of the pro­gram in law and pub­lic affairs at Princeton University.

But American courts have often been reluc­tant to sec­ond-guess the pres­i­dent about when com­mis­sions are jus­ti­fied. After a secret 18-day tri­al by a mil­i­tary com­mis­sion in 1942, the Supreme Court approved the con­vic­tion of a group of Germans who land­ed by sub­ma­rine on the beach­es of Florida and Long Island with plans to use explo­sives for sabotage.

In 1946, the jus­tices approved a com­mis­sion con­vic­tion of the com­mand­ing gen­er­al of the Japanese army in the Philippines, Tomoyuki Yamashita. Both of the World War II tri­als end­ed in executions.

Historians say mil­i­tary com­mis­sions began as trav­el­ing courts when there was a need to impose quick pun­ish­ments that appeared fair in wartime. Commissions do not enforce any sin­gle coun­try’s law, but a body of inter­na­tion­al law that has devel­oped through cen­turies known as the law of war.

One of the fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ples of that body of law is that com­bat­ants can­not target civilians.

In its 1946 rul­ing, the Supreme Court said American com­man­ders had the pow­er to seize and sub­ject to dis­ci­pli­nary mea­sures those ene­mies who, in their attempt to thwart or impede our mil­i­tary effort, have vio­lat­ed the law of war.”

A Bush admin­is­tra­tion offi­cial with knowl­edge of the plan­ning said offi­cials had been study­ing the World War II cas­es. But the offi­cial said the deci­sion to autho­rize the tri­bunals had been influ­enced by fac­tors like the abil­i­ty of the tri­bunals to move quick­ly and to lim­it intel­li­gence infor­ma­tion that might become public.

In civil­ian tri­als, a defen­dant has broad access to pros­e­cu­tion infor­ma­tion. But the mil­i­tary tri­bunals could sharply lim­it a defen­dan­t’s access to intel­li­gence reports and could close entire pro­ceed­ings if clas­si­fied infor­ma­tion were to be discussed.

The tri­als would short­cut many of the rules that slow tri­als. Extensive rules, for instance, gen­er­al­ly bar the use in civil­ian tri­als of ille­gal­ly seized evi­dence. But under the pres­i­den­t’s order, all evi­dence that would have pro­ba­tive val­ue to a rea­son­able per­son” is to be con­sid­ered by the tribunals.

The Bush offi­cial who described the cre­ation of the tri­bunals said such choic­es were made to assure that the process did not get bogged down. But he said many peo­ple inside the gov­ern­ment were work­ing to assure that the tri­als remained fair. For exam­ple, he said, offi­cials gen­er­al­ly favor insist­ing that pros­e­cu­tors prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Mr. Bush’s order left open the pos­si­bil­i­ty that com­mis­sion tri­als could be held in the United States. But the offi­cial said the pro­ce­dure was intend­ed large­ly for use else­where in the world for the tri­al of Al Qaeda mem­bers and other terrorists.

I would find it very unlike­ly,” the offi­cial said, that we are going to do these tri­als on the ter­ri­to­ry of the United States.”