Death Penalty News and Developments for the Week of September 30 — October 6, 2019: A Flurry of New Death Sentences and Stays of Execution

NEWS — October 3 – 4, 2019: In the span of two days, three new death sen­tences were imposed and three exe­cu­tions were halt­ed across the United States. 

On October 3, a fed­er­al jury in South Carolina sen­tenced Brandon Council (pic­tured) to death for the mur­ders of two white female bank employ­ees dur­ing the course of a bank rob­bery. The same day, an Ohio three-judge pan­el sen­tenced George Brinkman to death for the mur­ders of a Stark County cou­ple. Brinkman had waived a jury tri­al and asked for the death penal­ty. In December 2018, Brinkman had been sen­tenced to death in Cuyahoga County, Ohio for an unrelated murder.

One day lat­er, as the Ohio court for­mal­ly imposed the sen­tence on Brinkman, a California tri­al judge in Riverside County accept­ed the sen­tenc­ing rec­om­men­da­tion of a cap­i­tal jury and sen­tenced Rigoberto Villanueva to death. Villanueva had been con­vict­ed of mur­der­ing his for­mer girl­friend and then killing an elder­ly cell­mate while in coun­ty cus­tody for the first murder. 

Also on October 3, a Henderson County, Texas, District Court judge halt­ed the October 16 exe­cu­tion of Randall Mays based upon new evi­dence that he may be men­tal­ly incom­pe­tent. On October 4, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals stayed the October 10 exe­cu­tion of Randy Halprin and direct­ed the tri­al court to address his claims of judi­cial bias based on the anti-Semitism of his tri­al judge. Later that day, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit grant­ed a stay of exe­cu­tion to Lezmond Mitchell to pre­vent the fed­er­al death war­rant from inter­fer­ing with the adju­di­ca­tion of an appeal he had filed before the death war­rant had issued. 

NEWS — October 2: In a divid­ed rul­ing with three judges dis­sent­ing, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals has reject­ed a Tarrant County tri­al court’s rec­om­men­da­tion that Paul Storey’s death sen­tence be over­turned because Fort Worth pros­e­cu­tors lied to the jury that the vic­tim’s fam­i­ly want­ed Storey to be sen­tenced to death, say­ing the claim was pro­ce­du­ral­ly barred. In two sep­a­rate opin­ions, three judges dis­sent­ed, say­ing the vic­tim, Jonas Cherry’s par­ents, Judy and Glenn Cherry (pic­tured) had long been opposed to the death penal­ty, and the State’s pros­e­cu­tors … knew pri­or to tri­al that the Cherrys were opposed to the death penal­ty” and call­ing the pros­e­cu­tion’s argu­ment to the con­trary patent­ly false.”

With Missouri’s exe­cu­tion of Russell Bucklew on October 1, 2019, six U.S. states have car­ried out 17 exe­cu­tions in 2019. Bucklew was the first pris­on­er exe­cut­ed in Missouri in 2019.

NEWS — October 1, 2019: Missouri exe­cut­ed Russell Bucklew.

NEWS — September 20: The Nevada Supreme Court has upheld a tri­al court rul­ing that reject­ed death-row pris­on­er Jeremiah Bean’s claim that he is intel­lec­tu­al­ly dis­abled and there­fore not sub­ject to the death penal­ty. The court ruled that Bean had not shown that he suf­fered from sig­nif­i­cant­ly sub­av­er­age intel­lec­tu­al func­tion­ing, say­ing that the tri­al court’s improp­er fail­ure to take into con­sid­er­a­tion the stan­dard error of mea­sure­ment” in IQ test scores was a harm­less error and approv­ing the low­er court’s refusal to con­sid­er infla­tion in test scores caused by using out­dat­ed IQ tests.