FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Brenda Bowser Tuesday, December 14, 2004 (202) 2936970, cell (301) 9064460


DPIC’s Year End Report Highlights Drops in Death Sentences, Executions, Death Row Population, and Public Support for Capital Punishment

WASHINGTON, DC – A five-year decline in death sen­tences, a 40% drop in exe­cu­tions, a shrink­ing death row pop­u­la­tion, and wan­ing pub­lic sup­port for cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment have marked a sig­nif­i­cant turn around in the use of the death penal­ty, accord­ing to the Death Penalty Information Center’s (DPIC) 2004 Year End Report. DPIC’s num­bers are for 2004 and rein­force fig­ures for 2003 that were released in November by the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Other impor­tant devel­op­ments in 2004 also indi­cate changes in the death penal­ty pic­ture. In New York, the state’s high­est court found its death penal­ty statute to be uncon­sti­tu­tion­al, and in New Jersey, ques­tions about the method of exe­cu­tion have put all cas­es on hold. In Texas, promi­nent lead­ers and edi­to­r­i­al boards are call­ing for a mora­to­ri­um on exe­cu­tions, and leg­is­la­tors in California, the state with the largest death row, have com­mis­sioned a study of cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment to uncov­er flaws in the sys­tem. The U.S. Supreme Court heard argu­ments to deter­mine the con­sti­tu­tion­al­i­ty of exe­cut­ing juve­nile offend­ers, and Congress passed the Innocence Protection Act to help pre­vent wrong­ful con­vic­tions.

The events of the past year and the sta­tis­ti­cal evi­dence all point in one direc­tion,” said Richard Dieter, DPIC Executive Director. The public’s con­fi­dence in the death penal­ty has seri­ous­ly erod­ed over the past sev­er­al years. Because of so many fail­ures, the death penal­ty is right­ly on the defen­sive. Life-with­out-parole offers the pub­lic a bet­ter alter­na­tive with­out all the risks and expense.”

The num­ber of peo­ple sen­tenced to death annu­al­ly has dropped by 50% since 1999. The Bureau of Justice Statistics report­ed 144 death sen­tences in 2003, the low­est num­ber in three decades, and DPIC projects an even small­er num­ber this year based on fig­ures for the first three quar­ters of 2004. If the cur­rent rate con­tin­ues, there will be 130 death sen­tences this year. In addi­tion, the num­ber of indi­vid­u­als on death row declined from 3,504 in 2003 to 3,471 in 2004. Executions also fell by 10%, down from 65 in 2003 to 59 in 2004. This rep­re­sents a 40% drop since 1999. Of the exe­cu­tions that did take place, only two states con­duct­ed exe­cu­tions out­side of the south, which account­ed for 85% of the exe­cu­tions.

Public sup­port for the death penal­ty con­tin­ued to erode in 2004. When respon­dents were giv­en a choice between the death penal­ty and life-with­out-parole as the appro­pri­ate sen­tence for first-degree mur­der, 50% of those polled favored the death penal­ty and 46% favored life with­out a parole. In 1997, the dif­fer­ence between these two choic­es was 32 per­cent­age points.

Concerns about inno­cence con­tin­ue to be a prin­ci­pal rea­son for the decline in the use of the death penal­ty. Five peo­ple were exon­er­at­ed from death row in 2004, bring­ing the total num­ber of exonerees since cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment was rein­stat­ed to 117. This cri­sis has led to a series of calls for either sig­nif­i­cant reform of the death penal­ty or a com­plete ces­sa­tion of exe­cu­tions. Prominent polit­i­cal lead­ers, Supreme Court Justices, and law enforce­ment offi­cials in Texas and else­where have come to the con­clu­sion that the present sys­tem can no longer be tol­er­at­ed.

The 2004 Year End Report is the 10th of its kind pub­lished by DPIC, a non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion serv­ing the media and the pub­lic with analy­sis and infor­ma­tion on cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment.

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