Blackman, Paul H.: A cri­tique of the epi­demi­o­log­ic study of firearms and homi­cide”; 1 Homicide Studies 169 (1997)

Jamieson, Katherine M. and Zahn, Margaret A.: Changing pat­terns of homi­cide and social pol­i­cy”; 1 Homicide Studies 190 (1997)

Lattimore, Pamela K. et al.: Homicide trends in eight U.S. cities: project overview and design”; 1 Homicide Studies 84 (1997)

Martinez Jr., Ramiro: Homicide among Miami’s eth­nic groups: Anglos, Blacks, and Latinos in the 1990s”; 1 Homicide Studies 17 (1997)

Marvell, Thomas B. and Moody, Carlisle E.: The impact of prison growth on homi­cide”; 1 Homicide Studies 205 (1997)

Maume, Michael O. and Shihadeh: Segregation and crime: the rela­tion­ship between black cen­tral­iza­tion and urban black homi­cide”; 1 Homicide Studies 254 (1997)

McCall, Patricia L. and Parker, Karen F.: Adding anoth­er piece to the inequity-homi­cide puz­zle: the impact of struc­tur­al inequal­i­ty on racial­ly dis­ag­gre­gat­ed homi­cide rates”; 1 Homicide Studies 35 (1997)

Padgett, Kathy G. et al.: Debunking the stereo­type: an exam­i­na­tion of mass mur­der in pub­lic places”; 1 Homicide Studies 317 (1997)

Polk, Kenneth: A reex­am­i­na­tion of the con­cept of vic­tim-pre­cip­i­tat­ed homi­cide”; 1 Homicide Studies 141 (1997)

Rosenfeld, Richard: Changing rela­tion­ships between men and women: a note on the decline in inti­mate part­ner homi­cide”; 1 Homicide Studies 72 (1997)

Sobol, James J.: Behavioral char­ac­ter­is­tics and lev­el of involve­ment for vic­tims of homi­cide”; 1 Homicide Studies 359 (1997)

Thomson, Ernie: Deterrence ver­sus bru­tal­iza­tion: the case of Arizona”; 1 Homicide Studies 110 (1997)