Monday, April 15, 2002
Noon Central, 1:00 p.m. Eastern CONTACTS: Brenda Bowser, DPIC
(202) 2936970 x215
Cell — (301) 9064460
Valerie Holford, Fenton Communications
(202) 8225200 x226
Cell — (202) 3655336


Reporters Nationwide Can Participate in Governor’s Press Conference
by Conference Call

Commission Established after Governor Ryan Enacted
the Nation’s First State Moratorium on Executions

WASHINGTON, DC — On Monday, April 15, the Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC) will host a nation­al tele­phone news con­fer­ence call fea­tur­ing Illinois Governor George Ryan and mem­bers of his Commission on Capital Punishment as the State releas­es find­ings from the nation’s most com­pre­hen­sive death penal­ty study. The call will enable mem­bers of the media to lis­ten to the Governor’s joint press con­fer­ence with the Commission, which will take place at Noon Central, 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time, at the James R. Thompson Center, 100 West Randolph St., Chicago.

Two years ago, Illinois Governor George Ryan appoint­ed a 14-mem­ber Commission on Capital Punishment to close­ly exam­ine Illinois’s death penal­ty, and he declared the nation’s only mora­to­ri­um on exe­cu­tions until the review was com­plet­ed. A mile­stone moment in America’s quest for a fair­er jus­tice sys­tem, Ryan’s step sparked an unprece­dent­ed series of events through­out the coun­try. Prior to form­ing this com­mis­sion, the Governor declared that his state’s death penal­ty was fraught with error, not­ing: “[The Illinois cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment sys­tem is] so fraught with error and has come so close to the ulti­mate night­mare, the state’s tak­ing of inno­cent life.”
WHAT: National Telephone News Conference regard­ing Illinois Announcement of Results from the Nation’s Most Comprehensive Death Penalty Review WHO: Governor George Ryan
All 14 mem­bers of the Illinois Commission on Capital Punishment WHEN: Monday, April 15, 2002 at Noon Central, 1 p.m. Eastern Time

Please con­tact Brenda Bowser or Valerie Holford for the con­fer­ence call phone num­ber and pass­code. DPIC can also put reporters in touch with a num­ber of nation­al experts and spokesper­sons who are avail­able to com­ment on the report fol­low­ing its release. Background infor­ma­tion on the Commission’s work and Illinois is avail­able at DPIC’s Illinois Commission on Capital Punishment Web page # # #