A for­mer mit­i­ga­tion inves­ti­ga­tor for the Georgia Office of the Capital Defender has filed a fed­er­al civ­il rights law­suit against two Georgia Department of Corrections inves­ti­ga­tors and the war­den of the state’s max­i­mum secu­ri­ty prison, after she was cleared of charges of pass­ing ille­gal con­tra­band dur­ing a meet­ing with a cap­i­tal­ly charged defendant.

Lawyers for Lily Engleman filed the law­suit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia on May 10, 2021, four days after a Butts County tri­al court dis­missed all charges against her. The tri­al court grant­ed a pros­e­cu­tion motion to dis­miss the charges after a prison secu­ri­ty video­tape cleared her of alle­ga­tions that she had passed con­tra­band to Ricky Dubose dur­ing an attor­ney/­client-priv­i­leged meet­ing at the prison. Prison inves­ti­ga­tors claimed that Dubose had then hid­den the alleged con­tra­band in his sock.

Engleman was fired from her job in November 2019 after she was arrest­ed on felony charges aris­ing out of the inci­dent. Prison offi­cials claimed that secu­ri­ty video of the priv­i­leged vis­it had shown her pass­ing some items to Dubose and arranged for tele­vi­sion cam­eras to be present at her arrest and book­ing. Engleman’s defense lawyer Don Samuel said, You look at the video and you see that’s just a lie. … You don’t see her pass­ing him any­thing.” Prison per­son­nel strip-searched Dubose after the meet­ing and found no contraband. 

The prison did not dis­close the tape to the defense for more than a year after Engleman’s arrest and fir­ing. It is unlaw­ful for pris­ons to eaves­drop on priv­i­leged defense team meet­ings with clients. Engleman has sued for civ­il rights vio­la­tions aris­ing out of the defen­dants’ alleged­ly ille­gal­ly record­ing her meet­ings with her client, swear­ing out a false affi­davit, ille­gal­ly arrest­ing her, and mali­cious­ly prosecuting her.”


Bill Rankin, Ex-inves­ti­ga­tor cleared of giv­ing con­tra­band to death-penal­ty defen­dant, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, May 112021

Read the civ­il rights com­plaint filed in Engleman v. Adkerson