For Immediate Release:
Thursday, August 23, 2001 Contact: Gerda Stein (919) 9569545
Center for Death Penalty Litigation
Brenda Bowser (202) 2936970
Death Penalty Information Center


Case is Similar to Texas Sleeping Lawyer” But in North Carolina No Relief Granted

Washington, DC — Ronald Frye is sched­uled to be exe­cut­ed in North Carolina on Friday, August 31, despite the fact that his lawyer, Thomas Portwood, drank to excess every day dur­ing the tri­al and failed to present cru­cial evi­dence which could have saved his client’s life.

A week after a death row inmate in Texas was grant­ed a new tri­al because his lawyer slept dur­ing parts of his tri­al, Frye’s appeal has been reject­ed by the courts. In a recent arti­cle, Gene R. Nicol, Dean of the University of North Carolina Law School, described the attor­ney’s irre­spon­si­ble reg­i­men dur­ing the trial:

Every night after the tri­al recessed, instead of prepar­ing for the next day, the lawyer went home and drank a bot­tle of rum. According to his own tes­ti­mo­ny, Frye’s coun­sel con­sumed at least 12 shots of 80-proof rum every evening, begin­ning around 5 and con­tin­u­ing until he fell asleep or passed out. He drank a good deal more on the week­ends. And these admis­sions like­ly under­state the case. When the lawyer was involved in a car wreck dur­ing the same time peri­od, his blood-alco­hol lev­el was a near-lethal 0.436 per­cent — even though it was 11 in the morn­ing and he had­n’t had any­thing to drink in hours.

Marilyn Ozer, Frye’s new attor­ney called for a high­er lev­el of scruti­ny: Surely, the cit­i­zens of North Carolina do not wish to declare to the world that the best our state can do is to appoint a severe­ly addict­ed attor­ney to rep­re­sent a man on tri­al for his life and then turn a blind eye when the enor­mous defi­cien­cies of this attor­ney’s rep­re­sen­ta­tion are revealed to the courts and to the public.”

While Frye is appeal­ing his case to the United States Supreme Court, his lawyers are also ask­ing for clemen­cy from Governor Mike Easley.

Since the death penal­ty was rein­stat­ed in North Carolina, Catawba County has had only three tri­als result­ing in death ver­dicts (includ­ing Frye’s). Thomas Portwood rep­re­sent­ed clients in each of these tri­als. In anoth­er cap­i­tal tri­al that took place short­ly after Frye’s, Portwood was removed from the case and sent to rehab. At this point, in Portwood’s own words: All I was doing was drink­ing, then sleep­ing, then get­ting up to drink again.”

Probably because of his attor­ney’s drink­ing prob­lem, Frye’s abuse was nev­er pre­sent­ed to the jury. During Frye’s sen­tenc­ing tri­al, Portwood offered lit­tle evi­dence of Frye’s child­hood neglect and abuse.

Frye and his broth­er were giv­en up by their moth­er to a cou­ple of strangers she met in a restau­rant. The new father,” an alco­holic who would lat­er be con­vict­ed of crim­i­nal child abuse, repeat­ed­ly beat Frye with a bull­whip and some­times ordered Frye to whip his broth­er. The scars on Frye were so strik­ing that pho­tographs of the abuse were used at police train­ing ses­sions. He was even­tu­al­ly placed back in the care of his bio­log­i­cal father, who was also abu­sive. Frye had been raised by a series of abu­sive alco­holics, and iron­i­cal­ly end­ed up being rep­re­sent­ed by a man equal­ly con­trolled by alco­hol,” said Ozer.

The North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers is plan­ning a press con­fer­ence on Monday, August 27, to con­demn the rep­re­sen­ta­tion Frye received.

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