Friday, May 112001 

CONTACT: Gretchen Engel, N.C. Center for Death Penalty Litigation, (919) 9569545 and Brenda Bowser, DPIC (202) 2936970


With fed­er­al exe­cu­tion delayed, focus can shift to key prob­lems as May 18 execution approaches

WASHINGTON, DC — While much of the coun­try has been focused on the prospect of the first fed­er­al exe­cu­tion in near­ly 40 years, a case that illus­trates much of the unfair­ness of the death penal­ty is rapid­ly draw­ing to a close in North Carolina. Robert Bacon, Jr., a black man, was con­vict­ed by two all-white juries of the mur­der of a white man. He was sen­tenced to death despite the fact that the woman who orches­trat­ed the mur­der received a life sen­tence. At the time of the crime, Bacon had been roman­ti­cal­ly involved with this woman, the vic­tim’s wife who claimed that her hus­band was an abusive alcoholic.

Appeals for clemen­cy to North Carolina Gov. Michael Easley note that twice, in a coun­ty that is 20 per­cent African American, Bacon faced only white jurors — many of whom expressed to each oth­er their prej­u­dice against Bacon for his involve­ment with a white woman. In addi­tion, there were seri­ous ques­tions about the qual­i­ty of rep­re­sen­ta­tion Bacon received. Federal judge Robert B. King, the dis­senter in the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals 2 – 1 deci­sion that upheld Bacon’s death sen­tence, not­ed, We are delv­ing into the realm of legal fic­tion when we assert that Bacon received the full mea­sure of fair pro­ce­dure with respect to these claims of inef­fec­tive assis­tance of counsel.”

Appeals for clemen­cy for Bacon come on the heels of a recent­ly released University of North Carolina study on race and the death penal­ty. The study con­clud­ed that the odds of receiv­ing a death sen­tence in North Carolina increase by 3.5 times when a defen­dant kills a white per­son, and the odds are even greater in a case such as this involv­ing a black man killing a white vic­tim. Nationally, since the death penal­ty was rein­stat­ed in 1976, 11 white defen­dants have been exe­cut­ed for killing black vic­tims, while 161 black defen­dants have been exe­cut­ed for mur­der­ing white victims.

This case also illus­trates the arbi­trary nature of death sen­tenc­ing, where one co-defen­dant — at least as cul­pa­ble — gets a life sen­tence while the defen­dant with inad­e­quate rep­re­sen­ta­tion gets death.

I do not think it is fair to exe­cute Robert Bacon because [the code­fen­dant] Bonnie com­mit­ted the same crime and got life. In fact, I believe Bonnie was the guilti­er of the two; she was cold-blood­ed and she was the brains of the oper­a­tions,” said retired Jacksonville Detective Dennis Dinota, a for­mer Marine and a sup­port­er of the death penal­ty who was respon­si­ble for the interrogation.

In an open clemen­cy let­ter to Gov. Easley, Stephen Wissink — Editor and Publisher of The Spectator in North Carolina — not­ed that in a vir­tu­al­ly unheard of” action, two Jacksonville police offi­cers who inves­ti­gat­ed the case have signed sworn affi­davits stat­ing that Bacon’s sen­tence should be reduced to life in prison.

Bacon had no crim­i­nal record at the time of his con­vic­tion. After the crime, he ful­ly coop­er­at­ed with inves­ti­ga­tors and alert­ed the police to Bonnie Clark’s involve­ment in the killing. Those call­ing on Easley to grant clemen­cy before next week’s exe­cu­tion note that the inmate has exhaust­ed his appeals. If exe­cut­ed, Bacon will become the 18th per­son put to death in North Carolina since 1976. # # #