Sentence Reversals in Intellectual Disability Cases (2002 – 2012)

Defendants Whose Death Sentences Have Been Reduced Because of a Finding of Mental Retardation” since Atkins v. Virginia (2002)

Compiled by Prof. John Blume, Cornell University Law School, as of May 8, 2008. (83 Cases). Subsequent cases added below chart from the Atkins Project, Cornell Univ., as of July 19, 2012 (15 cases)

UPDATE (2015): There have been wide vari­a­tions among states in exempt­ing defen­dants with intel­lec­tu­al dis­abil­i­ty from the death penal­ty. Professor John Blume (l.) of Cornell Law School, along with three co-authors, ana­lyzed claims filed under the Supreme Court’s deci­sion in Atkins v. Virginia (2002) against exe­cut­ing defen­dants with intel­lec­tu­al dis­abil­i­ty (for­mer­ly, men­tal retar­da­tion”). Overall, from 2002 through 2013, only about 7.7% (371) of death row inmates or cap­i­tal defen­dants have raised claims of intel­lec­tu­al dis­abil­i­ty. The total suc­cess” rate for such claims was 55%. In North Carolina, the suc­cess rate was 82%, and in Mississippi 57%. However, in Georgia (where Warren Hill was recent­ly exe­cut­ed), the suc­cess rate for those claim­ing this dis­abil­i­ty was only 11%, and in Florida, the suc­cess rate was zero. The authors found that states that sig­nif­i­cant­ly devi­at­ed from accept­ed clin­i­cal meth­ods for deter­min­ing intel­lec­tu­al dis­abil­i­ty, such as Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Texas, had the low­est suc­cess rates. To pre­serve equal pro­tec­tion under the law, the authors rec­om­mend­ed the Supreme Court strike down aber­rant prac­tices in iso­lat­ed states, just as it struck down Florida’s strict IQ cut­off. (J. Blume, et al., A TALE OF TWO (AND POSSIBLY THREE) ATKINS: INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY AND CAPITAL PUNISHMENT TWELVE YEARS AFTER THE SUPREME COURT’S CREATION OFCATEGORICAL BAR,” 23 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 393 (2014)).

StateNameDefendant Race/​GenderVictim(s) Race/​GenderIQ ScoresDefects in Adaptive FunctioningSourceEtc
AL James Borden W/​M W/​F 65 – 6653 Ability to man­age mon­ey, man­age home and trans­porta­tion, man­age health and safe­ty and in his social adjustment. 2004 WL 362256 (Ala.Crim.App.)
AL Glenn Holiday (Holladay?) W/​M 49, 56, 54, 66, 71, 69, 68, 72, 7165 func­tion­al aca­d­e­mics, work, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, social skills, community use grant­ed MR relief in fed­er­al court, but the State is appealing
AL Jeremiah Jackson B/​M F 69 – 72 Jackson v. State, 2006 WL 2788980 (Ala.Crim.App. Sep 282006).
AZ Jose Calderon-Palomino H/​M
AZ Ramon Martinez-Villareal H/​M W/​M &H/M 50 – 64 work, social skills, lan­guage and com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and self-care stip­u­lat­ed to Atkins relief
AZ Efrain Vega-Bustamante M
CA Efrain Hernandez M 67, 6557
CA Jorge Vidal M M 81, 92, 7877
CA London Willard M Contra Costa County Superior Court Case No. 020571 – 6. District Attorney stip­u­lat­ed to client’s incom­pe­tence under Penal Code § 1368, and dropped death demand, based in part on client’s mental retardation.
CO Jimmy Vasquez H/​M F 70, 72, 6164 com­mu­ni­ca­tion, func­tion­al aca­d­e­mics, work People v. Vasquez, 84 P.3d 1019 (Colo. 2004).
CO Trevon Washington B/​M 2M 1? 6971 between 3 and 5 of the fol­low­ing: com­mu­ni­ca­tion, health and safe­ty, leisure, self-direc­tion, social
FL Charles Michael Kight W/​M B/​M 6768 State agreed to life after their expert found him MR.
FL Charlie Thompson B/​M M & F plea to life in exchange for drop­ping guilt phase pc claims… not sure if for­mal mr finding
FL Kenneth Leroy Watson B/​M F 6973
GA Johnny Lee Gates B/​M case set­tled dur­ing MR hear­ing to jury because of a witness’s outburst
IL Emerald Ausby B/​M
IN Gregory Rouster B/​M M & F Rastafari v. State, Lake Superior Court case no. 2CR-133 – 886-531 (June 16, 2003 order of the post-conviction court) aka Gamba Rastafari
LA Joseph Carmouch M bor­der­line range of 70 – 80 remand, state and defense doc­tors agreed so done by consent Remanded by State v. Carmouche, 01 – 0405 (La. 09/​25/​03); 872 So. 2d 1020, Atkins relief grant­ed by 15th Judicial District Court, Parish of Acadia, Honorable Edward Rubin, Judge
LA Thomas Deboue B/​M B/​M & B/​F 65 MDLA #01 – 464. Court ruled on the papers (more or less nego­ti­at­ed, i.e., state declared it would let the ct rule on the peti­tion without hearing) Nick Trenticosta was lawyer… I believe Judge Ginger Berrigan grant­ed Atkins relief
LA Richard Hobley B/​M B/​M 55 not established on retri­al, con­vinced DA not to seek death due to MR
LA Tyrone Lindsey B/​M W/​F 50 – 60 or 65 not established 542 So.2d 886 (La 1989)
LA Eddie Mitchell M 80? post-con­vic­tion, judge sum­mar­i­ly ruled based on ear­li­er pro­ceed­ings and test­ing put in the record Relief grant­ed in PCR by 14th JDC. I believe Eddie was the first post-Atkins MR hear­ing in La.
LA Herbert Welcome B/​M B/​M 50 – 57 clemen­cy by gov­er­nor fol­low­ing par­don board hear­ing and rec­om­men­da­tion to commute death.
LA Corey Williams B/​M M 65 – 68 mul­ti­ple adap­tive behav­ior deficits in the mod­er­ate to severe range (less than 1st percentile) State v. Corey Williams (No. 193,258 Caddo Parish, First Jud. Dist. Ct. La. Feb. 212004).
MO Alis Johns W/​M M 61 – 84 com­mu­ni­ca­tion, dai­ly liv­ing, and socialization Johns v. State, No. CV501-0389CC (Mo Cir. Ct. July 172003).
MO Steven W. Parkus W/​M W/​M 65 – 82 per­son­al rela­tion­ships, self care, employ­ment, aca­d­e­m­ic, social In re Parkus, 219 S.W.3d 250 (Mo. 2007) (en banc)
MS Jimmie (James) Mack B/​M M 61 – 73 All skills, Vineland showed deficits in MR range Mack v. State, No. 7344 (order of cir­cuit court post-conviction)
MS Howard Neal W/​M 2F
MS Mack Wells B/​M M Wells v. State, 903 So.2d 739 (Miss., 2005) (en banc).
NC Melanie Anderson W/​F W/​F 75, 69, 6267 functional academics State v. Anderson, 94 CRS 5669, 95 CVR 887 (N.C. Gen. Ct. Justice Superior Ct. Div. July, 292003).
NC Anthony Bone B/​M W 69, 6372 social skills, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, functional academics State v. Bone, 97 CRS 73219 (N.C. Gen. Ct. Justice Superior Ct. Div. January 282004).
NC Leon Brown M F 30, 51, low 50s, 57 all skills areas State v. Brown, No. 93 CRS 3374 – 75 (N.C. Gen. Ct. Justice Superior Ct. Div. March 242004).
NC Chamberlin, Jr. M 60s unlisted State v. Chamberlin, Jr., No. 01-CRS-7175 – 78, 54889 (N.C. Gen. Ct. Justice Superior Ct. Div. Jan. 142004).
NC Renwick Gibbs B/​M 3B 5157 unlisted State of North Carolina v. Gibbs, No. 91-CRS-4082 (Gen. Ct., Jun 312004).
NC Anthony Hipps B/​M W 6068 social skills, func­tion­al aca­d­e­mics, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, work, self-care State of North Carolina v. Hipps. Rowan coun­ty Superior Court
NC Russell Holden B/​M B/​F 70 and below Communication, social skills, self-direc­tion, func­tion­al aca­d­e­mics, work skills State of North Carolina v. Russell Holden Citation for Order was unpub­lished, N.C. Supreme Court Case avail­able at State v. Holden, 488 S.E.2d 514 (N.C.,1997).
NC Jonathan Leeper B/​M 2B/​M 6470 func­tion­al aca­d­e­mics, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, social skills, self-care, self-direc­tion, and work skills State of North Carolina v. Leeper (Citation for Order was unpub­lished, N.C. Supreme Court Case avail­able at State v. Leeper, 565 S.E.2d 1 (N.C., 2002). State v. Leeper, No. 98 CRS 10902 – 03 (N.C. Gen. Ct. Justice Superior Ct. Div. May 112004).
NC Robert McClain B/​M B/​M 70, 65, 15, 7064 State v. McClain, 94 CRS 30181 (N.C. Gen. Ct. Justice Superior Ct. Div. Dec. 11, 2002). State v. McClain, 610 S.E.2d 783 (N.C.App., 2005).
NC Elton Ozell McLaughlin B/​M B 70, 72, 7176 func­tion­al aca­d­e­mics, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, social skills On habeas review
NC Lorenza Norwood B/​M Middle Eastern 67, 6964 State v. Norwood, 93 CRS 5239, 5251 (N.C Gen. Ct. Justice Superior Ct. Div. Sept. 202003).
NC Dwight Robinson B/​M W 6956 func­tion­al aca­d­e­mics, home living State v. Robinson, 86 CRS 25054 (N.C Gen. Ct. Justice Superior Ct. Div. Nov. 72003
NC Sherman Skipper W/​M W 69 com­mu­ni­ca­tion, self-care, home liv­ing, social skills, com­mu­ni­ty use, self-direc­tion, health and safe­ty, func­tion­al aca­d­e­mics, work
NC Johnnie Spruill B/​M B 68, 65, 73/​7555 func­tion­al aca­d­e­mics, health and safe­ty, self-direc­tion, home liv­ing, social skills State v. Spruill, No. 404A925 (Supreme Court of North Carolina, 7/​26/​04).
NC Tony Staten B/​M M 6168 func­tion­al aca­d­e­mics, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, social skills, health and safety
NC Larry Williams B/​M 2W 69, 6275 5 areas State of North Carolina (Gaston County) v Larry Darnell Williams, General Court of Justice, Superior Court Division, 79-CRS-1867, ‑1241
NV Jimmy Todd (JT) Kirksey B/​M M Trial court con­clud­ed MR, in a post-conviction proceeding
NY Craig Godineaux BH/​M DA agreed not to seek DP in exchange for a LWOP plea
OH Derrick L. Evans B/​M 2B CR-87 – 216710‑C
OH Derryl Gumm W/​M W 73, 70, 71, 79, 70, 67 (67 and 79 not includ­ed in analysis) all three areas, although those are most clear­ly demon­strat­ed in the areas of prac­ti­cal and con­cep­tu­al adaptive skills State v. Gumm, 169 Ohio App. 3d 650 (2006)
OH Kevin Yarbrough B/​M W 69 func­tion­al aca­d­e­mics, social skills, communication aka Robert Lee Johnson
OK Richard Eugene Hammon B/​M M Hammon v. State, 2004 WL 352200 (Okla. Crim. App. Feb. 262004).
OK Robert Lambert W/​M W/​M & W/​F 71 P3d 30 (Okl​.Cr. 2003) (rem for jury tri­al) MODIFIED TO LWOP 126 P3d 646, 2005 OK CR 26 (12/​7/​05) cd — US -, 127 SC 42, 166 LEd2d 251 (10/​2/​06)
OK Barney Marshall NA/​M NA 50 on OLMAT academics PCD-2002 – 981
OK Gilberto Martinez H/​M 2H/​F 62 – 63 80 P.3d 142 (2003).
OK Darrin Pickens B/​M W/​F 74 P3d 601 (7/​23/​03) (rem for jury tri­al) MODIFIED TO LWOP 126 P3d 612 (12/​7/​05) cd — US -, 127 SC 42, 166 LEd2d 251 (10/​2/​06).
OK Max Salazar NA/​M W/​F 84 P3d 764 (2004) (review pro­ce­dures) MODIFIED TO LWOP 126 P3d 625, 2005 OK CR 24 (12/​7/​05) cd — US -, 127 SC 42, 166 LEd2d 251 (10/​2/​06). The Court of Criminal Appeals did not nec­es­sar­i­ly find him to be mr, although there is an argu­ment they came close.
OK Rocky Snow W/​M W/​F 68 87 P3d 626 (2004).
PA Karl Chambers W/​M F grant­ed resen­tenc­ing pre­tri­al Atkins relief
PA Jose DeJesus M M 61 social skills, func­tion­al adacemic skills, home and personal living
PA Arthur Faulkner B/​M F & W/​F Faulkner v. Horn, NO. 99 – 5986 (E.D. Pa. July 22002). gov­ern­ment stip­u­lat­ed to MR in plea
PA Jerome Gibson B/​M M 70 – 75 or below func­tion­al aca­d­e­m­ic skills, self-direc­tion, and work skills Commonwealth v. Gibson, 925 A.2d 167 (2007).
PA Marty Graham W/​M 63, 6675 Commonwealth v. Graham, No.’s 3948, et seq. CD 1987 (Pa. Ct. Common Pleas, Dec. 182003).
PA Peter Karenbauer W/​M F 68 Commonwealth v. Karenbauer, No. 642 of 1995, CR. (Pa. Sept. 232002). the state’s expert at tri­al admit­ted on cross that Karenbauer was MR so when Atkins came down dur­ing the state post con­vic­tion pro­ceed­ing he was resen­tenced with­out argu­ment from the state
PA Joseph D. Miller W/​M 2F 66, 67, 55, 59, 55, 7881 Commonwealth v. Miller, 2003 WL 23278215 (Pa.Ct. Common Pleas June 302003).
PA Simon Pirela H/​M M 57, 67/​55, (84/​83 on the EIWA that trans­lates to a low 60s on the WAIS) com­mu­ni­ca­tion, functional academics aka Salvador Morales
PA Nathan Scott B/​M F
PA Raymond Whitney B/​M
SC Thomas Lee Davis M 57 Memory/​orientation, man­ag­ing mon­ey, man­ag­ing home and trans­porta­tion, home and safe­ty, and social adjustment Proposed order, expert report
SC Ricky George B/​M M 6669 com­mu­ni­ca­tion, self-care, safe­ty, social skills, home-liv­ing, work, self-care, daily-living
SC Johnny Ringo Pearson B/​M B/​F 62, 72, 70, 65, 72, 69, 64, 65, 64 (mean of 67 and medi­an of 65) func­tion­al aca­d­e­mics, work, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, home liv­ing, health and safe­ty, self direc­tion, social skills, com­mu­ni­ty use, leisure, self care
TN Eddie Harris W/​M W/​M & W/​F 64 audi­to­ry pro­cess­ing, sim­ple con­cen­tra­tion, men­tal flex­i­bil­i­ty, language
Remand, state and defense doc­tors agreed so done by consent
TX Walter Bell B/​M W/​F & W/​M Ex Parte Bell, 152 S.W.3d 103 (Tex.Crim.App. 2004) (per curi­am). Ex Parte Walter Bell, AP-75, 038 (Texas Ct. Crim. App., Nov. 10, 2004). Ex parte Bell, No. AP-75,038 (Tex. Crim. App. Nov. 112004).
TX Darrell Carr B/​M H/​F (preg­nant) Ex parte Carr, No. AP-75,627 (Tex. Crim. App. Feb. 282007).
TX David DeBlanc B/​M W/​M Ex parte DeBlanc, AP-75,113 (Tex. Crim. App. Mar. 162005).
TX Doil Lane W/​M H/​F Houston Chronicle
TX Willie Mack Modden B/​M W/​F 6458 Ex parte Modden, 147 S.W.3d 293 (Tex. Crim. App. 2004). Ex Parte Modden, No. 74,715 (Tex. Crim. App. April 212004).
TX Eric Lynn Moore M F 72 con­cep­tu­al and social skills Moore v. Dretke, 2005 WL 1606437 (E.D.Tex. Jul. 12005).
TX Jose Alfredo Rivera M M 64, 68, (70, 85, 92, and 80 giv­en less weight) self-care, social skills, home liv­ing, and functional academics Rivera v. Quarterman, 2007 WL 3027070 (5th Cir. 2007).
TX Demetrius Simms B/​M B/​F Ex parte Simms, No. AP-75,625 (Tex. Crim. App. Feb. 282007).
TX Robert Smith B/​M W/​M
TX Exzavier Lamont Stevenson B/​M 2M Ex parte Stevenson, No. AP-75,639 (Tex. Crim. App. Mar. 212007).
TX Alberto Valdez H/​M W/​M Ex parte Valdez, No. 75,039 (Tex. Crim. App. Nov. 11, 1004). Ex Parte Alberto Valdez, AP-75, 039 (Texas Ct. Crim. App., Nov. 102004).
TX Gregory van Alstyne M M 69, 6956 Ex Parte Gregory van Alstyne, Trial Crt No. 30,941 – 02‑B, CCA No. 33,801 – 02; 2007 WL 3375149

Additional cas­es from the Atkins Project of Cornell University:

AL — _​_​_​_​Thomas — Thomas v. Allen, 607 F.3d 749 (11th Cir. 2010)
AZ — _​_​_​_​Canez — State v. Canez, 2007 WL 5595966 (Ariz. App. Div. 2007). State v. Canez, 74 P.3d 932 (Ariz. 2003) (en banc) (state with­drew request for death penalty)
AR — _​_​_​_​Simpson — Simpson v. Norris, 2009 WL 2985837 (E.D. Ark. Sept. 162009)
IN — Howard Allen — Allen v. Wilson, 2012 WL 2577492 (S.D.Ind., 2012)
LA — _​_​_​_​Brumfield — Brumfield v. Cain, 2012 WL 602163 (M.D. La., February 232012)
MS — Lawrence Branch — Branch v. Epps, 2011 WL 6026516 (N.D.Miss. 2011)
MS — William Wiley — Wiley v. Epps, 625 F.3d 199 (5th Cir. 2010)
MS — _​_​_​_​Hughes — Hughes v. Epps, 694 F. Supp. 2d 533 (N.D. Miss. 2010)
MS — _​_​_​_​Wiley — Wiley v. Epps, 668 F. Supp. 2d 848 (N.D. Miss. 2009)
MO — _​_​_​_​Lyons — State ex rel. Lyons v. Lombardi, 303 S.W.3d 523 (Mo. 2010)
NC — _​_​_​_​Nicholson — Nicholson v. Branker, 739 F. Supp. 2d 839 (E.D.N.C. 2010)
OH — Michael Bies — Bobby v. Bies, 129 S.Ct. 2145 (2009) (state lat­er con­ced­ed Bies’ m.r.)
OH — _​_​_​_​White — State v. White, 885 N.E.2d 905 (Ohio 2008)
TX — _​_​_​_​Cockrell — Ex parte Cockrell, 2009 WL 1636528 (Tex. Crim. App. 2009)., Ex parte Cockrell, 2008 WL 4417282 (Tex. Crim. App. 2008)., Ex parte Cockrell, 2005 WL 1349723 (Tex. Crim. App. 2005)
VA — Leon Winston — Winston v. Pearson, 683 F.3d 489, 2012 WL 2369481 (4th Cir. 2012)