New Vision


27 December 2007

Geresom Musamali

A Church of Uganda bish­op has asked Christians to join him in his cru­sade against the death penalty.

The Kampala Diocese assis­tant bish­op, Dr. Zac Niringiye, said he recent­ly met John Katuramu on death row in Luzira Prison and became con­vinced that peo­ple can reform.

Katuramu, the for­mer Toro prime min­is­ter, was in 2004 con­vict­ed by the Supreme Court for the mur­der of Toro Prince Charles Kijjanangoma.

Katuramu now has joy, peace, love and faith because he has been redeemed by Jesus Christ,” said Niringiye while deliv­er­ing the Christmas sum­mons at All Saints Church, Nakasero.

He told me that he may phys­i­cal­ly be liv­ing in Luzira but at heart, he is a free man”.

Niringiye said he had also met a female con­vict­ed mur­der­er who is now a preach­er in the prison.

There are over 500 con­victs on death row. I have inter­act­ed with them and seen how they have been trans­formed. Such peo­ple should be giv­en a chance to live a new life.”

Niringiye invit­ed the emer­i­tus bish­op of Mukono, Dr. Michael Ssenyimba, to join the cam­paign, call­ing him his mentor.

He also announced that this was the last Christmas ser­vice to be held at All Saints Church in its present form.

Niringiye said ear­ly next year, the church build­ing would be demol­ished to pave way for the con­struc­tion of the Kampala Diocese headquarters.

So far, sh280m out of the required sh400m for the foun­da­tion, has been raised through pledges and cash dona­tions, he explained.

He urged Christians to come for­ward and gen­er­ous­ly con­tribute towards the project. Over sh1.2b is need­ed for the project.

While con­struc­tion goes on, church func­tions will be held in tents on a neighbouring plot.