Entries tagged with “Aramis Ayala


Aug 19, 2020

In Move Raising Race, Gender, and Political Issues, Missouri Governor Seeks Authority for Attorney General to Prosecute St. Louis Homicide Cases

In a polit­i­cal maneu­ver that fur­ther inject­ed issues of race, gen­der, and polit­i­cal dis­en­fran­chise­ment into local law enforce­ment pol­i­cy, Missouri’s Republican Governor Mike Parson has asked state law­mak­ers to grant Republican state attor­ney gen­er­al Eric Schmitt author­i­ty to pros­e­cute mur­der cas­es in the city of St. Louis. The pro­pos­al tar­get­ed cas­es that are cur­rent­ly under the exclu­sive purview of Democratic St. Louis City Circuit…


Aug 31, 2017

Florida Supreme Court Upholds Removal of Prosecutor From Death-Eligible Cases

The Florida Supreme Court has upheld Governor Rick Scotts (pic­tured, left) removal of Orange and Osceola County State Attorney Aramis Ayala (pic­tured, right) as pros­e­cu­tor in more than two dozen mur­der cas­es because of her offi­cial pol­i­cy not to seek to seek the death penal­ty. Over two dis­sents, the sev­en-mem­ber Court held that Scott had act­ed well with­in the bounds of the Governor’s broad author­i­ty” when he replaced Ayala with Lake County…


Apr 04, 2017

In Expanding Dispute Over Death Penalty, Florida Governor Orders Replacement of Local Prosecutor in 21 Murder Cases

Florida Governor Rick Scott issued a series of exec­u­tive orders on April 3 remov­ing local­ly elect­ed 9th Judicial Circuit State Attorney Aramis Ayala (pic­tured) from 21 first-degree mur­der cas­es and replac­ing her with 5th Judicial Circuit State Attorney Brad King. The removal comes two weeks after Ayala announced a pol­i­cy that her office would not pur­sue the death penal­ty in mur­der pros­e­cu­tions. The cas­es include a num­ber of potential capital…


New Voices


Mar 23, 2017

Florida Black Caucus, Victim’s Parents Urge Governor to Rescind Order Removing Prosecutor For Not Seeking Death Penalty

The Florida Legislative Black Caucus has joined more than 100 lawyers and legal experts and the par­ents of mur­der vic­tim Sade Dixon in urg­ing Governor Rick Scott to rescind his order remov­ing Orange-Osceola County State Attorney Aramis Ayala (pic­tured) from a high-pro­file dou­ble mur­der case in which she decid­ed to not seek the death penal­ty. The oth­er vic­tim in the case, Lt. Debra Clayton, was an Orlando police offi­cer. Governor Scott did not speak with…