Entries tagged with “Bailey Boswell

Jun 14, 2021

Capital Case Roundup — Death Penalty Court Decisions the Week of June 72021

NEWS (6/​9/​21) — Nebraska: A pan­el of three judges has sen­tenced Aubrey Trail to death for the 2017 killing of Sydney Loofe. In a state­ment to the court before the pan­el pro­nounced sen­tence, Trail admit­ted to the killing but said that his co-defen­dant, Bailey Boswell, who faces cap­i­tal sen­tenc­ing hear­ing lat­er this month, was not involved in the killing. Trail is the 12th per­son on Nebraska’s death…

Facts & Research

United States Supreme Court


Lethal Injection


May 12, 2021

In Netherworld’ Between Law and Reality, Nebraska Prosecutors Continue Pursuit of Death Penalty

The leg­is­la­ture doesn’t want cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment, the exec­u­tive branch can’t obtain exe­cu­tion drugs, and Nebraska pros­e­cu­tors have moved for­ward this year with the pan­dem­ic-delayed cap­i­tal sen­tenc­ing tri­als of two defen­dants sep­a­rate­ly con­vict­ed of a mur­der out of a voyeuris­tic true-crime nov­el. The state, writes Associated Press reporter Grant Schulte in a May 9, 2021 analy­sis, is still wed­ded to the idea of exe­cut­ing pris­on­ers, just not the prac­ti­cal part of doing it” and…