Entries tagged with “Carman Deck


Apr 29, 2022

Missouri Plans to Execute Prisoner Whose Death Sentence Was Reversed Three Times and Reinstated on a Technicality

Carman Deck (pic­tured) has been sen­tenced to death three times. Each of those death sen­tences were over­turned — once by the U.S. Supreme Court — as a result of prej­u­di­cial con­sti­tu­tion­al vio­la­tions in his tri­als. Nonetheless, he faces exe­cu­tion in Missouri on May 3, 2022 because a pro­ce­dur­al tech­ni­cal­i­ty over­turned his third grant of relief, block­ing him from pre­sent­ing his claim that crit­i­cal mit­i­gat­ing evi­dence call­ing for a sen­tence less than death had…


Oct 26, 2020

Capital Case Roundup — Death Penalty Court Decisions the Week of October 192020

NEWS (10/​22/​20) — Florida: The Florida Supreme Court has upheld the con­vic­tion and death sen­tence for Daniel Craven, Jr. for a 2015 prison mur­der. The court denied Craven’s claims that he was uncon­sti­tu­tion­al­ly denied the right to rep­re­sent him­self and that the tri­al court had vio­lat­ed his right to a fair jury by impan­el­ing an African-American juror whom defense coun­sel had attempt­ed to peremp­to­ri­ly strike. It also…