Entries tagged with “Clinton Young

Policy Issues





Official Misconduct


Aug 19, 2022

Second Texas County Indicts Clinton Young in 2001 Murder After Court Throws Out Related Conviction and Death Sentence for Prosecutorial Misconduct

Texas pros­e­cu­tors have indict­ed for­mer death-row pris­on­er Clinton Young for a 21-year-old mur­der in one coun­ty after his con­vic­tion and death sen­tence for anoth­er mur­der alleged­ly com­mit­ted as part of the same crim­i­nal episode in anoth­er coun­ty was over­turned because a lead pros­e­cu­tor in that case also secret­ly act­ed as a paid law clerk to judges who presided over Young’s tri­al and state post-conviction…

Policy Issues



Official Misconduct


May 04, 2021

Trial Court Recommends New Trial for Death-Row Prisoner Whose Prosecutor Secretly Also Served as the Court’s Law Clerk

Finding brazen mis­con­duct” by a pros­e­cu­tor who with­held excul­pa­to­ry evi­dence from the defense and then secret­ly served as the tri­al judge’s law clerk in the case, a Midland County, Texas judge has rec­om­mend­ed that death-row pris­on­er Clinton Young (pic­tured) be grant­ed a new…

Policy Issues



Official Misconduct


Sep 09, 2020

Texas Death-Row Prisoner Seeks New Trial Citing Hidden Evidence that Prosecutor was Paid to Work for Trial Judge in Same Case

Texas death-row pris­on­er Clinton Young (pic­tured), who came with­in days of exe­cu­tion in October 2017 while pros­e­cu­tors hid evi­dence of his inno­cence, has filed a claim for a new tri­al based upon pre­vi­ous­ly undis­closed evi­dence that an assis­tant dis­trict attor­ney who pros­e­cut­ed him was simul­ta­ne­ous­ly employed by the tri­al judge to pro­vide legal advice in his…