Entries tagged with “David Sneed


Upcoming Executions


Jun 05, 2020

News Brief — Three More Reprieves Mean No Executions in Ohio in 2020

NEWS (6/​5/​20) — Ohio: Governor Mike DeWine (pic­tured) issued reprieves to the last three Ohio death-row pris­on­ers fac­ing exe­cu­tions dates in 2020, ensur­ing that the state will not car­ry out any exe­cu­tions this year. A news release announc­ing the action said the reprieves were grant­ed​“due to ongo­ing prob­lems involv­ing the will­ing­ness of phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal sup­pli­ers to pro­vide drugs to the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (DRC), pursuant…