Entries tagged with “Drug offenses


Jun 12, 2018

Pew Poll Finds Uptick in Death Penalty Support, Though Still Near Historic Lows

Just under 54% of Americans say they sup­port the death penal­ty and 39% say they are opposed, accord­ing to the results of a Pew Research poll released June 11, 2018. The poll — admin­is­tered between April 25 and May 1, one month after President Trump called for the death penal­ty for drug traf­fick­ing — reflects a five-point increase in sup­port for cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment, up from the record-low 49% record­ed in Pew’s 2016


Federal Death Penalty


Mar 20, 2018

Public Health Experts Criticize Trump’s Proposal to Seek Death Penalty for Drug Traffickers

Saying​“the ulti­mate penal­ty has to be the death penal­ty,” President Donald Trump (pic­tured) announced on March 19 that he will direct the Department of Justice to seek the death penal­ty against drug traf­fick­ers. The pro­pos­al, includ­ed as part of the administration’s plan to address an opi­oid epi­dem­ic that has result­ed in as many as 64,000 over­dose deaths in 2016 alone, drew imme­di­ate crit­i­cism from pub­­lic-health and crim­i­­nal-jus­tice experts.​“We…


Jun 09, 2010

NEW RESOURCES: The Death Penalty for Drug Offences — Global Overview 2010

The International Harm Reduction Association (IHRA) recent­ly pub­lished a report on the use of the death penal­ty for drug crimes around the world. The report dis­tin­guish­es between coun­tries that have leg­is­la­tion allow­ing a death sen­tence for drug offens­es and those that actu­al­ly apply it in prac­tice. According to the report, 32 juris­dic­tions retain the death penal­ty for drug offens­es (out of the 58 coun­tries that have the death penal­ty for any offense),…