Entries tagged with “Edward Gripon




Jun 24, 2024

Texas Set to Execute a Death Row Prisoner Despite the Changed Opinion of the Same Expert Who Once Called Him a Future Danger”

In 2006, Ramiro Gonzales (pic­tured as a child) con­fessed to the mur­der, kid­nap­ping, and rape of Bridget Townsend and was sen­tenced to death. Texas death sen­tenc­ing pro­ce­dures unique­ly require cap­i­tal juries to pre­dict whether a defen­dant is like­ly to com­mit future acts of vio­lence. At Mr. Gonzales’ tri­al, psy­chi­a­trist Dr. Edward Gripon tes­ti­fied for the state and told the jury that Mr. Gonzales has demon­strat­ed a ten­den­cy to want to con­trol, to manip­u­late, and to take advan­tage of certain…