Entries tagged with “Guantanamo Bay

State & Federal Info



Aug 02, 2024

U.S. Military Reaches Plea Agreement to Avoid the Death Penalty with Three Men Accused of Plotting September 11 Attacks

UPDATE: On August 2nd, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin revoked the July 31, 2024 plea agree­ment reached between mil­i­tary com­mis­sions pros­e­cu­tors and defense coun­sel for three of the 9/​11 defen­dants being held at Guantanamo. In a two-para­graph memo, Secretary Austin revoked the author­i­ty of Susan Escallier, the head of the Military Commissions Convening Authority, to enter into the plea agree­ments and reserved that author­i­ty for him­self. This unex­pect­ed devel­op­ment negates…

Policy Issues

Human Rights


Mental Illness


Federal Death Penalty




Sep 28, 2023

Guantanamo Bay Judge Rules 9/​11 Capital Defendant Mentally Incompetent to Stand Trial

On September 21, 2023, a mil­i­tary judge in Guantanamo Bay ruled that Ramzi Bin al Shibh, one of five defen­dants in the 9/​11 case for whom the death penal­ty is being sought, is men­tal­ly incom­pe­tent to stand tri­al. Mr. Bin al Shibh, who has been detained for 21 years, will remain in cus­tody at Guantanamo as author­i­ties attempt to treat the post-trau­mat­ic stress dis­or­der caused when he was forced to under­go enhanced inter­ro­ga­tions” by the U.S.

Policy Issues

Mental Illness


Victims' Families


Federal Death Penalty


Sep 07, 2023

9/​11 Victims’ Family Members, Members of Congress Urge Biden Administration to Abandon Plea Negotiations with Guantanamo Detainees

Family mem­bers of some of the vic­tims of 9/​11 have asked the Biden Administration to aban­don cur­rent plea nego­ti­a­tions with Guantánamo detainees that would remove the pos­si­bil­i­ty of death sen­tences for the men accused of plan­ning the 9/​11 ter­ror attacks. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and his four co-defen­dants have been held for more than twen­ty years, first at CIA black sites where they were sub­ject to enhanced inter­ro­ga­tion tech­niques” and then at Guantánamo, but none has pro­ceed­ed to tri­al. The…

Policy Issues

Human Rights




Aug 22, 2023

Confessions of Guantanamo Detainee in Death Penalty Case Excluded as Product of Torture

On August 18, 2023, a mil­i­tary judge in Guantanamo Bay over­see­ing the pre­tri­al cap­i­tal pros­e­cu­tion of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the Saudi nation­al accused of orga­niz­ing the October 2000 bomb­ing of the U.S.S. Cole, exclud­ed Mr. al-Nishiri’s con­fes­sions as the prod­uct of tor­ture. Exclusion of such evi­dence is not with­out soci­etal costs,” said the judge, Col. Lanny J. Acosta Jr., in a 50-page deci­sion. However, per­mit­ting the admis­sion of evi­dence obtained by or derived from tor­ture by the same…

Policy Issues

Human Rights


New Voices




Feb 14, 2023

NEW VOICES: Ted Olson, Solicitor General in the Bush Administration, Calls for End to Guantánamo Death Penalty Cases

In an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal, Theodore B. Olson, for­mer U.S. Solicitor General from 2001 to 2004 dur­ing President George W. Bush’s admin­is­tra­tion, called for a halt to the use of the death penal­ty against those impli­cat­ed in the ter­ror­ist attacks of 9/​11. He rec­om­mend­ed that the cap­i­tal pro­ceed­ings against the defen­dants being held in Guantánamo Bay be brought to as rapid and just a con­clu­sion as…

State & Federal Info

Federal Death Penalty




Mar 18, 2022

Plea Talks Are Under Way in Guantánamo September 11 Case that Could Take Death Penalty Off the Table

Military pros­e­cu­tors and defense attor­neys are report­ed­ly dis­cussing plea deals that could take the death penal­ty off the table in the Guantánamo mil­i­tary com­mis­sion cas­es of five men accused of involve­ment in the September 11, 2001 ter­ror­ist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The nego­ti­a­tions, first report­ed by the New York Times on March 15, 2022 and sub­se­quent­ly con­firmed by defense coun­sel, would require alleged 9/​11 plan­ner Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and…

Policy Issues

Human Rights




Feb 15, 2022

Department of Justice Reverses Course, Rejects Use of Evidence Obtained by Torture in Guantánamo Death Penalty Case

In what one ana­lyst described as an impor­tant step to restore the rule of law,” the U.S. Department of Justice has pledged not to use state­ments obtained by tor­ture in its Guantánamo Military Commissions pros­e­cu­tion of Abd Al-Rahim Hussein Al-Nashiri. Al-Nashiri is accused of mas­ter­mind­ing the Al Qaeda sui­cide bomb­ing of the U.S.S. Cole that killed 17 U.S. sailors in October 2000. The U.S. gov­ern­ment is seek­ing the death penal­ty against…

Policy Issues

Human Rights




Jul 21, 2021

At Odds with Biden Administration’s Concern Over Use of Statements Obtained by Torture, Chief Guantánamo Prosecutor Retires

After clash­ing with Biden admin­is­tra­tion offi­cials over the pro­pri­ety of using state­ments obtained through tor­ture from Guantánamo detainees, Army Brigadier General Mark S. Martins (pic­tured), the chief pros­e­cu­tor in the Guantánamo Military Commissions tri­als, will retire from the mil­i­tary on September 30, 2021. Martins, who had served as the com­mis­sions’ chief pros­e­cu­tor through­out the Obama and Trump admin­is­tra­tions, abrupt­ly sub­mit­ted papers on July 7

State & Federal Info



Apr 17, 2019

Federal Appeals Court Strikes Two Years of Guantánamo Tribunal Decisions in USS Cole Case

A civil­ian fed­er­al appeals court has dealt anoth­er blow to the Guantánamo mil­i­tary com­mis­sion death-penal­ty pro­ceed­ings, strik­ing more than two years of deci­sions in the USS Cole bomb­ing pros­e­cu­tion of Abd Al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Al-Nashiri because of a mil­i­tary judge’s undis­closed con­flict of inter­est. Al-Nashiri faces cap­i­tal charges for his alleged role in the sui­cide bomb­ing attack on the USS Cole in Yemen in October 2000 in which 17 U.S. Navy sailors were killed and…

State & Federal Info



Jan 10, 2019

Chaos Continues in Guantánamo Death-Penalty Trial, As Another Military Judge Quits

The already chaot­ic Guantánamo death-penal­ty tri­al of Abd al Rahim al Nashiri, accused of orches­trat­ing the October 2000 attack on the U.S. Navy destroy­er USS Cole, hit anoth­er snag as the most recent judge assigned to pre­side over the con­tro­ver­sial pro­ceed­ings will be leav­ing the mil­i­tary and quit­ting the case. In a January 4, 2019 appel­late plead­ing recent­ly obtained by the McClatchy News Service, pros­e­cu­tors advised the U.S. Court of…

Policy Issues

Prosecutorial Accountability




Aug 20, 2018

Military Commission Bars Guantánamo Death-Penalty Prosecutors From Using Statements by 9/​11 Detainees

A Guantánamo mil­i­tary com­mis­sion judge has barred pros­e­cu­tors from using state­ments five accused 9/​11 plot­ters made to the FBI after they had been sub­ject­ed to years of tor­ture in CIA black sites. On August 17, 2018, the mil­i­tary judge, Army Colonel James L. Pohl (pic­tured), sup­pressed all use of the state­ments, rul­ing that restric­tions pros­e­cu­tors had placed on the abil­i­ty of defense coun­sel to inter­view wit­ness­es and inves­ti­gate the tor­ture made it…

State & Federal Info



Jul 16, 2018

Amid War-Court Turmoil, Guantánamo Death-Penalty Judge Retires From Military Service

The U.S. Air Force has announced that the Guantánamo mil­i­tary commission’s USS Cole death-penal­ty judge, Air Force Colonel Vance Spath (pic­tured) is retir­ing, inject­ing new uncer­tain­ty into war court pro­ceed­ings already steeped in chaos. In a one-sen­tence email to the McClatchey news ser­vice on July 5, an Air Force spokesper­son con­firmed that Spath has an approved retire­ment date of Nov. 1, 2018,” well before the con­tro­ver­sial tri­al pro­ceed­ings in the…

State & Federal Info

Federal Death Penalty




May 02, 2018

Guantánamo Bay

Six detainees charged with cap­i­tal crimes are cur­rent­ly being held at the U.S. Naval Base mil­i­tary prison in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Much of the infor­ma­tion relat­ing to these cas­es is clas­si­fied and all the par­tic­i­pants in the cas­es — pros­e­cu­tors, defense lawyers, and court per­son­nel — are required to have top secret secu­ri­ty clear­ance. As a result, sig­nif­i­cant por­tions of the pro­ceed­ings — includ­ing court motions and deci­sions — are heav­i­ly redact­ed or kept secret from the pub­lic. In…

Policy Issues





Feb 20, 2018

Lack of Death-Penalty Counsel Brings Guantánamo War Crimes Trial to a Halt

A Guantánamo mil­i­tary com­mis­sion judge has indef­i­nite­ly sus­pend­ed pro­ceed­ings in the death-penal­ty tri­al of Abd al Rahim al Nashiri, accused of plan­ning al-Qaida’s alleged 2000 bomb­ing of the Navy war­ship USS Cole off the coast of Yemen. Expressing exas­per­a­tion over his con­tin­u­ing inabil­i­ty to com­pel civil­ian death-penal­ty lawyers to return to the case, Air Force Colonel Vance Spath (pic­tured) halt­ed the pro­ceed­ings on February 16. I am…

Policy Issues





Feb 14, 2018

Pentagon Fires War Court Official Who Was Attempting to Negotiate End to Guantánamo Death-Penalty Trial

The sud­den fir­ing by U.S. Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis (left) of the Pentagon offi­cial who over­saw mil­i­tary com­mis­sion tri­als at Guantánamo Bay has raised con­cerns of polit­i­cal inter­fer­ence in the already tumul­tuous legal pro­ceed­ings in the death-penal­ty tri­als of the five men charged with plot­ting the 9/​11 attacks on the United…

Policy Issues

Prosecutorial Accountability




Foreign Nationals


Federal Death Penalty




Oct 16, 2017

USS Cole Lawyers Resign From Guantánamo Death-Penalty Defense, Say Government Spied on Client Communications

The U.S. Supreme Court has denied review of a peti­tion filed by lawyers on behalf of Abd al Rahim al Nashiri—accused of orches­trat­ing al-Qaida’s October 12, 2000 sui­cide bomb­ing of the USS Cole war­ship off the coast of Yemen—chal­leng­ing the legal­i­ty of his death penal­ty tri­al before a Guantánamo Bay mil­i­tary com­mis­sion. But in what has been described as a stun­ning set­back” to what would have been the first death-penal­ty tri­al held before the…

State & Federal Info



Sep 11, 2017

Sixteen Years Later, No Date in Sight for Death-Penalty Trial of Alleged 9/​11 Conspirators

Sixteen years lat­er, the alleged per­pe­tra­tors of the September 11, 2001 hijack­ings and attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center, and the down­ing of Flight 93, have yet to be tried, and issues relat­ing to the use of evi­dence obtained by tor­ture, the appro­pri­ate­ness and legal­i­ty of tri­als by mil­i­tary com­mis­sion, and where and how they should be tried raise ques­tions as to whether and when a tri­al may take place. The five men charged in the attack — alleged mas­ter­mind Khalid Sheikh…

State & Federal Info



Aug 10, 2017

Federal Appeals Court Removes Military Judge From Case For Comments Prejudging 9/​11 Detainee’s Guilt

A fed­er­al appeals court in Washington has ordered the recusal of a mil­i­tary judge from hear­ing an appeal in the Guantánamo mil­i­tary com­mis­sion death penal­ty tri­al of five defen­dants accused of direct respon­si­bil­i­ty for the 9/​11 attacks. A unan­i­mous three-judge pan­el of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled on August 8 that Judge Scott L. Silliman of the United States Court of Military Commission Review…

State & Federal Info



Mar 22, 2017

Lawyers Seek Supreme Court Review Of Alleged Torture As Accused USS Cole Bomber Awaits Capital Trial

Lawyers for Abd al Rahim al-Nashiri, the man accused of plot­ting the bomb­ing of the USS Cole in 2000, are seek­ing U.S. Supreme Court inter­ven­tion to pre­vent his tri­al before a mil­i­tary tri­bunal in which Nashiri faces the death penal­ty if con­vict­ed. The peti­tion for a writ of cer­tio­rari asks the Court to allow Nashiri’s lawyers to chal­lenge his mil­i­tary deten­tion — and efforts to try him in a mil­i­tary tri­bunal rather than a civil­ian court — because the CIA

Policy Issues



Federal Death Penalty




Apr 04, 2008

Death Penalty Poses Problems for Military Commission Trials

After the Pentagon announced ear­li­er this year that it would seek the death penal­ty for six Guantánamo Bay detainees, lit­tle progress has been made in the case. According to The American Lawyer, the mil­i­tary com­mis­sions have had dif­fi­cul­ties in find­ing qual­i­fied and will­ing defense attor­neys to rep­re­sent the six men who are accused of plan­ning the September 11 attacks. Tom Fleener, a for­mer mil­i­tary lawyer, said, I don’t believe any [of the 15 attor­neys in the office of the…

Policy Issues



Crimes Punishable by Death




Feb 11, 2008

U.S. to Seek Death Penalty under New Military Commissions

The U.S. gov­ern­ment has decid­ed to seek the death penal­ty against six Guantánamo detainees who are accused of hav­ing cen­tral roles in the ter­ror­ist attacks of September 11, 2001. The defen­dants will be tried before Military Commissions, which are nei­ther part of the fed­er­al crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem nor the mil­i­tary’s jus­tice sys­tem for its own mem­bers. The laws and pro­ce­dures under the Military Commission Act of 2006 have not been test­ed and had to be re-writ­ten after the…