Entries tagged with “Harris Pharma


Lethal Injection


Apr 15, 2021

Arizona DoC Paid $1.5 Million for Execution Drugs While Facing a Budget Crisis

At a time in which the Arizona Department of Corrections is fac­ing crit­i­cism for crum­bling infra­struc­ture, sub­stan­dard med­ical care, and under­staffing, the depart­ment has spent $1.5 mil­lion to pur­chase the lethal-injec­tion drug pen­to­bar­bi­tal from an undis­closed source. The exor­bi­tant price, experts say, is a func­tion of the ques­tion­able use of the drug for non-med­ical pur­pos­es and the secre­tive nature of the…




Lethal Injection


May 20, 2020

Nebraska Supreme Court Orders Release of Lethal-Injection Drug Records

In a major vic­to­ry for media out­lets and pris­on­er advo­cates, the Nebraska Supreme Court has ordered the state’s Department of Correctional Services (DCS) to release pub­lic records relat­ed to the pro­cure­ment of drugs used in the 2018 exe­cu­tion of Carey Dean Moore (pic­tured). The court reject­ed the state’s argu­ment that drug sup­pli­ers and man­u­fac­tur­ers are mem­bers of the exe­cu­tion team whose iden­ti­ties may be shield­ed from dis­clo­sure but per­mit­ted DCS to redact…


Lethal Injection


Jul 05, 2017

Execution Drugs Three States Attempted to Illegally Import Have Now Expired

Three thou­sand vials of the anes­thet­ic sodi­um thiopen­tal that three states attempt­ed to ille­gal­ly import into the United States for use in exe­cu­tions have now expired, accord­ing to an inves­tiga­tive report by BuzzFeed News. Arizona, Nebraska, and Texas each pur­chased 1000 vials of the drug in 2015 from a ques­tion­able sup­pli­er in India called Harris Pharma, despite warn­ings from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that impor­ta­tion of the drug would violate federal…


Lethal Injection


Oct 23, 2015

Arizona, Texas Attempted to Import Illegal Lethal Injection Drugs Linked to Indian Supplier with Troubling History

Arizona and Texas attempt­ed to import lethal injec­tion drugs in vio­la­tion of fed­er­al law, but the ship­ments were halt­ed by U.S. Food and Drug Administration offi­cials in late July, accord­ing to reports by The Arizona Republic and Buzzfeed. The Republic reports that the Arizona Department of Corrections paid $27,000 for sodi­um thiopen­tal for use in exe­cu­tions, but the ship­ment was halt­ed at the Phoenix air­port by U.S. Food and Drug…