Entries tagged with “Jack Greene


Executions Overview


Nov 08, 2017

Court Rulings Raise Questions of What Constitutes Incompetency and How is it Determined

Two recent high court rul­ings have raised ques­tions of whether death-row pris­on­ers are suf­fi­cient­ly men­tal­ly impaired to be deemed incom­pe­tent to be exe­cut­ed and who gets to make that deter­mi­na­tion. On November 7, the Arkansas Supreme Court issued an order stay­ing the exe­cu­tion of death-row pris­on­er Jack Greene (pic­tured, left) to resolve whether that state’s mech­a­nism to deter­mine com­pe­ten­cy — giv­ing the direc­tor of the Arkansas Department of…


Nov 03, 2017

Arkansas Supreme Court Orders Partial Disclosure of Information on State’s Lethal-Injection Drugs

The Arkansas Supreme Court has ruled that the state’s Freedom of Information Act requires the Arkansas Department of Correction (ADC) to release copies of the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal drug and pack­ag­ing labels for the sup­ply of the drug mida­zo­lam that it intends to use in upcom­ing exe­cu­tions, but that the secre­cy pro­vi­sions of the state’s Methods of Execution Act per­mit the depart­ment to redact the batch and lot num­bers that appear on the…