Entries tagged with “Jack Greene”
Executions Overview
,Nov 08, 2017
Court Rulings Raise Questions of What Constitutes Incompetency and How is it Determined
Two recent high court rulings have raised questions of whether death-row prisoners are sufficiently mentally impaired to be deemed incompetent to be executed and who gets to make that determination. On November 7, the Arkansas Supreme Court issued an order staying the execution of death-row prisoner Jack Greene (pictured, left) to resolve whether that state’s mechanism to determine competency — giving the director of the Arkansas Department of…
Nov 03, 2017
Arkansas Supreme Court Orders Partial Disclosure of Information on State’s Lethal-Injection Drugs
The Arkansas Supreme Court has ruled that the state’s Freedom of Information Act requires the Arkansas Department of Correction (ADC) to release copies of the pharmaceutical drug and packaging labels for the supply of the drug midazolam that it intends to use in upcoming executions, but that the secrecy provisions of the state’s Methods of Execution Act permit the department to redact the batch and lot numbers that appear on the…
Executions Overview
,Aug 18, 2017
Arkansas, Nevada Obtain New Supplies of Drugs, Plan to Carry Out Two Questionable Executions
The states of Arkansas and Nevada have announced that they have obtained new supplies of execution drugs that will permit them to carry out two executions in what critics have called questionable…