Entries tagged with “James Dailey

Policy Issues



Jun 01, 2020

One Day After Exposé of Informant Wins Journalism Award, Florida Trial Court Denies James Dailey’s Innocence Claim

A Florida judge has denied death-row pris­on­er James Daileys motion for a new tri­al on May 29, 2020, rul­ing that no new admis­si­ble evi­dence sup­port­ed Dailey’s claim of inno­cence. Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Judge Pat Siracusa’s deci­sion came just one day after jour­nal­ist Pamela Colloff won a National Magazine Award for her inves­ti­ga­tion of a noto­ri­ous jail­house infor­mant who pro­vid­ed key testimony against…

Policy Issues



Official Misconduct


Feb 21, 2020

Florida Court Grants Hearing to James Dailey on Innocence Claim

A Florida state court judge has grant­ed death-row pris­on­er James Dailey an evi­den­tiary hear­ing on his claim that he did not com­mit the mur­der for which he was sen­tenced to death three decades…

Policy Issues





United States Supreme Court


Feb 06, 2020

Prosecutors, Catholic Bishops, and Conservative Group Submit Briefs Asking U.S. Supreme Court to Review Case of James Dailey

Three groups, rep­re­sent­ing pros­e­cu­tors, the Catholic Church, and polit­i­cal con­ser­v­a­tives, have filed briefs in the U.S. Supreme Court sup­port­ing the efforts of Florida death-row pris­on­er James Dailey (pic­tured) to obtain judi­cial review of his inno­cence claim. Dailey filed a peti­tion for cer­tio­rari on January 10, 2020 ask­ing the Supreme Court to hear his case, after the Florida courts refused to con­sid­er evi­dence that anoth­er man had con­fessed to the…

Policy Issues



Official Misconduct


Upcoming Executions


Dec 18, 2019

James Dailey Faces Execution in Florida Based on Testimony of Serial Jailhouse Informant Police Called Con Man Extraordinaire”

Paul Skalnik is a sex offend­er and con man whose jail­house snitch” tes­ti­mo­ny was used by Florida and Texas pros­e­cu­tors to con­vict more than 37 defen­dants, includ­ing four who were sen­tenced to death. His tes­ti­mo­ny that James Dailey (pic­tured) alleged­ly con­fessed to the bru­tal 1985 stab­bing and drown­ing death of 14-year-old Shelley Boggio con­tributed to Dailey’s con­vic­tion and death sen­tence, despite the prosecution’s admis­sion that no phys­i­cal evi­dence,” no…


Upcoming Executions


Oct 24, 2019

Courts Grant Stays of Execution on Procedural Grounds in Two Cases Raising Significant Guilt-Related Questions

Courts in Texas and Florida have grant­ed stays of exe­cu­tion to two men who faced immi­nent exe­cu­tion despite seri­ous ques­tions as to their involve­ment in the mur­ders for which they were sen­tenced to death. On October 22, 2019, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals (CCA) stayed the exe­cu­tion of Ruben Gutierrez (pic­tured, left), which had been sched­uled for October 30. The fol­low­ing day, the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida…

Policy Issues



Upcoming Executions




Oct 11, 2019

100th Execution or 30th Exoneration? Florida Sets Execution Date for 73-Year-Old Military Veteran Who May Be Innocent

Florida has sched­uled the exe­cu­tion of 73-year-old James Dailey (pic­tured) for November 7, 2019, despite sub­stan­tial evi­dence that he had no involve­ment in the killing, includ­ing a state­ment by the admit­ted killer, Daley’s co-defen­dant, that he had act­ed alone. Dailey stands to be either the 100 death-row pris­on­er put to death by Florida since exe­cu­tions resumed in the 1970s or the state’s 30th death-row…