Entries tagged with “Jim Petro, Ohio Attorney General

Policy Issues





Apr 29, 2021

DPIC’s New Podcast Series, Rethinking Public Safety, Debuts with a Discussion with Former Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro

As a state leg­is­la­tor in 1981, Jim Petro (pic­tured) sup­port­ed a bill to rein­state Ohios death penal­ty after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the state’s pre­vi­ous cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment statute. Later, as Ohio Attorney General, he super­vised 19 exe­cu­tions in the state. Since then, his views have changed and he recent­ly co-authored an op-ed in the Columbus Dispatch urg­ing the leg­is­la­ture to repeal the state’s death…

Policy Issues









Victims' Families


Recent Legislative Activity


New Voices


Mar 19, 2021

Former Ohio Governor, Two Attorneys General Call for Repeal of State’s Death Penalty

The move­ment to repeal cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment in Ohio has gained addi­tion­al steam as for­mer Governor Robert Taft and for­mer state attor­neys gen­er­al Jim Petro and Lee Fisher (pic­tured, left to right) called on the Ohio state leg­is­la­ture to end the state’s death…