Entries tagged with “Joseph Amrine

Policy Issues





United States Supreme Court


Aug 20, 2021

Commentary: How Federal Habeas Corpus Law Enables States to Commit Miscarriages of Justice

1990s amend­ments to fed­er­al law that severe­ly restrict­ed fed­er­al judi­cial review of state con­vic­tions are enabling states to com­mit mis­car­riages of jus­tice that risk the lives and free­dom of inno­cent peo­ple across the coun­try, writes Washington Post colum­nist Radley Balko

Policy Issues





Aug 31, 2022

Missouri Governor Silent on Marcellus Williams’ Case 5 Years After Execution Halted for Board of Inquiry Innocence Review

Five years after for­mer Gov. Eric Greitens issued an exe­cu­tion-day reprieve for a Board of Inquiry to address ques­tions of inno­cence, Marcellus Williams remains on Missouris death row. Though the board pre­sent­ed its rec­om­men­da­tions more than a year ago, cur­rent Gov. Mike Parson has tak­en no action on the…