Entries tagged with “Just Mercy

Policy Issues





Nov 26, 2019

Death-Penalty Roles Inspire Actors to Take Stands for Social Justice, Against Death Penalty

Popular cul­ture has the poten­tial to change social atti­tudes, and actors in two eager­ly antic­i­pat­ed movies focus­ing on the death penal­ty are hop­ing that their films will do just that. In recent inter­views about their roles in the dra­mas Just Mercy and Clemency, actors Jamie Foxx, Alfre Woodard, and Aldis Hodge dis­cuss how those films inspired them to open up about their past and affected…

Policy Issues





Prosecutorial Accountability






Lethal Injection


Federal Death Penalty


Oct 22, 2020

World and European Day Against the Death Penalty: Expert Panel Discusses Systemic Flaws in U.S. Death Penalty

Expressing the hope that we’ll be able to cel­e­brate very soon, togeth­er with the American peo­ple, the abo­li­tion of the death penal­ty in the United States,” European Union Ambassador to the United States Stavros Lambrinidis opened the EU in the USA and Council of the Europes vir­tu­al com­mem­o­ra­tion of World and European Day Against the Death…